Plenary Session Programme

1. 1. Opening Greetings from ICL, ICL supporting organizations and host organizations (60 minutes)
(17:00-18:00 PDT 2 November, 1:00-2:00 CET 3 November, 9:00-10:00 JST 3 November)

Chairs: Kyoji Sassa (WLF5 Forum Chair)
Qunli Han (Co-Chair of Global Promotion Committee of IPL/Executive Director of Integrated Research on Disaster Risk)

Opening address from the primary organizer
         Nicola Casagli (President of the International Consortium on Landslides)

Greetings from United Nations organizations

  • David Malone (Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations/Rector of the United Nations University)
  • Mami Mizutori (United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction)
  • Petteri Taalas (Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization:WMO)
  • Maria Helena (Semedo, Deputy Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organizations:FAO)
  • Shamila Nair-Bedouelle (Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization:UNESCO)

Greetings from scientific organizations 

  • José M.P. Vieira (President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations: WFEO)
  • Kathryn Whaler (President of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics: IUGG)
  • John Ludden (President International Union of Geological Sciences: IUGS)

Welcome messages from host organizations

  • Hiroaki Tsunakawa, Director for Sabo Planning Coordination, Ministry of Land Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan
  • Akira Murakami, Executive Vice-President of Kyoto University

Break: 15 minutes

2. High-level Panel Discussion “Review of KLC2020 and the way forward” (90 minutes)
(18:15-19:45 PDT 2 November, 2:15-3:45 CET 3 November, 10:15-11:45 JST 3 November)

Opening Greetings from Forum Chairs

  • Peter Bobrowsky (Geological Survey of Canada, Canada)
  • Kaoru Takara (Kyoto University, Japan)

Chairs: Matjaž Mikoš (Co-Chair, Global Promotion Committee of IPL / Chair of WLF4, Ljubljana, 2017)
Kazuo Konagai (Chair of Science Committee of the KLC2020 Secretariat, Kyoto, Japan)

  • Opening Speeches from chairs

Keynote speech

  • Kyoji Sassa (Secretary General of KLC2020 Secretariat): Review of KLC2020 and a new Open Access Book Series for KLC2020

Speech from 9 panelists from KLC2020 signatory organizations

ICL supporting organizations:

  • Paola Albrito (Chief of Branch, Intergovernmental processes, Interagency cooperation and Partnerships, UNDRR)
  • Soichiro Yasukawa (Programme Specialist on Disaster Risk Reduction, UNESCO)
  • José M.P. Vieira (President of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations: WFEO)
  • Hiroshi Kitazato (Treasure of IUGS, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan)
  • John LaBrecque (Chair of IUGG GeoRisk Commission, Center for Space Research, University of Texas Austin, USA.)

ICL full members:

  • Binod Tiwari (Vice President for America, California State University – Fullerton, USA)
  • Paola Reichenbach (Director of Research, IRPI, Italian National Research Council, Italy)
  • Maneesha Ramesh (Dean, School for Sustainable Development and International Programs, Amrita University, India)

ICL supporter:

  • Hiroaki Tauchi (General manager, International Geohazard Management Department, Nippon Koei, Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan)

Discussion (panelists and floor)

Concluding remarks

  • Sálvano Briceño (First Chairperson of the Global Promotion Committee of IPL (2007-2014), Former Director of UNISDR (2001-2011)

Adoption of the Launching Declaration of the ICL Open Access Book Series for KLC2020 by all participants

  • All participants and Kyoji Sassa (Secetary General of KLC2020 Secretiariat)

11:45-12:00 JST Break (preparation of step and chairs for photos)

12:00-12:20 JST Joint photo of all participants on the stage (Room A)

12:20-13:30 JST Lunch (Room Sakura)

 3. Forum lectures/Forum speech
(21:30-23:30 PDT 2 November, 5:30-7:30 CET 3 November, 13:30-15:30 JST 3 November)

 Chairs: Željko Arbanas (Vice President for Europe, University of Rijeka, Croatia) and                  Veronica Tofani (Vice President for WLF6, University of Florence, Italy)

Forum lectures

  • Fausto Guzzetti (General Director of Office III, Department of Civil Protection, Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy): On the prediction of landslides and their consequence
  • Charles NG (Chair Professor and Dean of Graduate School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China): Interaction mechanisms between debris flow and multiple barriers

Forum Speech

Dwikorita Karnawati (Head of Agency for Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics of the Republic of Indonesia): Promotion of intergovernmental network of ICL-KLC2020

4. Recognition and Awards Ceremony
(23:45 PDT 2 Nov. -1:00 PDT 3 Nov. . 7:45-9:45 CET 3 November, 15:45-17:00 JST 3 November)

World Centres of Excellence on Landslide Risk Reduction (WCoEs) 2020-2023

Bestow the Varnes Medals (2017-2021), IPL Awards for Success (2017-2020)

5. Welcome Reception 18:30-21:00 JST (Room Sakura)


 6. Forum Lectures and Award Lectures
(21:30 –23:30 PDT 5 November, 5:30-7:30 CET 6 November, 13:30-15:30 JST 6 November)

Chairs: Vít Vilímek (Vice President for Mission (KLC2020), Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) and Fawu Wang (Professor, Tongji University, China)

Forum Lectures

  • Michel Jaboyedoff (Professor, University of Lausanne, Switzerland): Improving the rockfall failure hazard assessment.
  • Brian Collins (Research civil engineer, U.S. Geological Survey, USA): Progress and lessons learned from responses to catastrophic landslides

Award Lectures

  • Claudio Margottini (ISPRA – Dpt. Geological Survey of Italy) Fukuoka IPL Award lecture
  • Beena Ajmera (Assistant Professor, North Dakota State University, USA) Oldrich Hungr Award lecture

7. Closing Ceremony
(23:30 PDT 5 Nov. –1:00 PDT 6 Nov., 7:30-9:00 CET 6 November, 15:30-17:00 JST 6 November)

Masters of Ceremonies: Alexander Strom (Chief expert, Geodynamic Research Center LLC., Russia) and Ryosuke Uzuoka (Vice Director, DPRI, Kyoto University, Japan)

  • Speech by ICL President Nicola Casagli (2021.1.1 – 2023.12.31)
  • Introduction of new ICL officers by ICL President
  • Certificates to new ICL members (2017-2021) by ICL President
  • Acknowledgement to WLF5 financial support organizations and sponsors by Forum chair

Welcome to 6th WLF (WLF6 Forum Chair, Nicola Casagli)