List of 633 Preliminary Registered Speakers
(as of 01 February 2021)
Theme 1 | Akira Doi | Japan Bosai Platform | Japan | Challenging the disaster prevention business with the policy “Investment before disaster will save your community and economy” |
Theme 1 | Alexander Strom | “Geodynamics Research Center – branch of JSC “”Hydroproject Institute””” | Russia | WCoE: Central Asia Rockslide Inventory. Compilation and Analysis |
Theme 1 | Alexandra Rocio Urgilez Vinueza | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Understanding and quantifying landslide mechanisms in Ecuadorian Andes |
Theme 1 | Andres Felipe Alonso Rodriguez | State Key Laboratory for Geohazard Prevention and Geoenviorment Protection | China | Role of Near Fault Ground motion pulse traits in Landaslide Hazards |
Theme 1 | Bastian van den Bout | Twente University | Netherlands | Impact of multi-hazard interactions on risk assessment |
Theme 1 | Bihong Fu | Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | Monitoring and Assessment of Landslides related to 2017 Large Earthquake and Their Influences on Heritage Sites in Jiuzhaigou UNESCO Heritage Using the Remote Sensing Technology |
Theme 1 | Biljana Abolmasov | University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology | Serbia | Results of recent monitoring activities on landslide Umka, Belgrade, Serbia – IPL 181 |
Theme 1 | Brian Collins | U.S. Geological Survey | USA | Progress and lessons learned from responses to catastrophic landslides |
Theme 1 | Changdong Li | Faculty of Engineering | China | Temporal-spatial distribution and historical evolution characteristics of landslides based on series of rainfall data and satellite images in Zigui basin, Three Gorges Reservoir area, China |
Theme 1 | Claudio Margottini | Embassy of Italy in Egypt | Egypt | Landslide risk analysis and mitigation strategies for the ancient monasteries of Caucasus |
Theme 1 | Daniele Spizzichino | ISPRA | Italy | Overview of landslides assessment of World Heritage Sites |
Theme 1 | David Tappin | British Geological Survey | UK | The continuing underestimated tsunami hazard from submarine landslides |
Theme 1 | Denis Gorobtsov | RSGPU | Russia | Landslides threatening russian culture heritage objects |
Theme 1 | Duc Do Minh | Hanoi University of Science | Vietnam | Analysis and modeling of a landslide-induced tsunami-like wave across the Truong river in Quang Nam province, Vietnam |
Theme 1 | Dwikorita Karnawati | Indonesian Meteorological climatological and Geophyisic Agency (BMKG) | Indonesia | Landslide Induced Flows and Liquifactionin Palu |
Theme 1 | Dwikorita Karnawati | Indonesian Meteorological climatological and Geophyisic Agency (BMKG) | Indonesia | The Rool and Challenge of National Agency for Meteoology, Climatology, and Geophysic of Indonesian Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction 2) Landslide Capacity development for Mellenial Groups |
Theme 1 | Finn Lovholt | NGI | Norway | Tsunami uncertainty due to landslide dynamics |
Theme 1 | Francesco Bregoli | IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Water Science and Engineering Department | Netherlands | On the energy transfer from 3D granular landslide to water body explained by an experimentally-based numerical model |
Theme 1 | Giuseppe Esposito | CNR-IRPI | Italy | Landslide hazard and risk assessment for civil protection early response |
Theme 1 | Guan-Yu Chen | National Sun Yat-sen University | Chinese Taipei | Application of Reciprocal Green?鈺・Function on the Forecast of Submarine Landslide Tsunami |
Theme 1 | Hai Tan | Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research | China | Numerical modeling of landslide-tsunamis based on a coupled DEM-SPH model |
Theme 1 | Hermann Fritz | Georgia Institute of Technology | USA | From granular landslide generated tsunamis in the laboratory to recent landslide events |
Theme 1 | Jan Blahut | Czech Academy of Sciences, IRSM | Czech Republic | History of San Andres megalandslide and its tsunamigenic potential |
Theme 1 | Jia-wen Zhou | Sichuan University | China | Landslide-generated surge in the hydropower reservior at the Southwest China |
Theme 1 | Junji Miyamoto | Toyo Construction | Japan | Submarine landslide study in a drum centrifuge |
Theme 1 | Kazuki Murata | National Research and Development Agency, Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI) | Japan | Tsunami disaster caused by submarine landslide of the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake |
Theme 1 | Ken Ikehara | Geological Survey of Japan, AIST | Japan | Extreme event deposit related to the upper slope failure in the Japan Trench floor |
Theme 1 | Kiichiro Kawamura | Yamaguchi University | Japan | Episodic turbidity currents on a deep窶都ea terrace in the Japan Trench |
Theme 1 | Kiyoharu HIROTA | KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD/(ICL) | Japan | Slope stability around the northern part of the Tegucigalpa Basin, Honduras: A case of landslide process of at a residential development area. |
Theme 1 | Kyoji SASSA | ICL | Japan | Simulation of Tsunami waves induced by coastal and submarine landslides in Japan |
Theme 1 | Leonardo Cascini | University of Salerno | Italy | LARAM School: an ongoing experience |
Theme 1 | Lili Xiao | Chang’an University | China | The theory, validation and application of Tsunami Squares simulation approach to landslide generated waves |
Theme 1 | Lorenzo Solari | University of Firenze, Department of Earth Sciences | Italy | Regional scale landslide monitoring based on Sentinel-1 data |
Theme 1 | Matjaz Mikos | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering | Slovenia | Landslides in Weathered Flysch: From Activation to Deposition (WCoE 2017-2020) |
Theme 1 | Nicola Casagli | University of Florence | Italy | Advanced technologies for landslides |
Theme 1 | NUNZIO LUCIANO FAZIO | CNR-IRPI | Italy | Three-Dimensional numerical modelling of slow moving landslides |
Theme 1 | Qunli Han | Integrated Research on Disaster Risk | China | Integrating DRR into the conservation and management mechanisms of the internationally designated sites – View of IRDR on the basis of Huangshan Dialogue 2018 |
Theme 1 | Saeedeh Yavari Ramsheh | California State University, Fullerton | USA | Tsunami events of the Indian Ocean – role of landslides |
Theme 1 | Satoru Nishikawa | Nagoya University, Disaster Mitigation Research Center | Japan | Ichi-Nichi-Mae (The Day before the Disaster) Project for Landslide Awareness and Risk Communication |
Theme 1 | Shengnan Wu | Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | Practices of Public Participation Early Warning System for Geological Hazards in China |
Theme 1 | Shinji Sassa | Port and Airport Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology | Japan | Session Coordinator |
Theme 1 | Shu-Kun Hsu | Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan | Chinese Taipei | Flank failure of the volcanic Turtle Island and the submarine landslide in the southernmost Okinawa Trough |
Theme 1 | Snjezana Mihalic Arbanas | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering | Croatia | Landslide Risk Reduction in Croatia: Scientific research in the framework of the WCoE 2017-2020, IPL 219, IPL 220, ICL ABN |
Theme 1 | Stefano Morelli | Department of Earth Sciences | Italy | Reconstruction of the slope instability conditions before the 2016 failure in an urbanized district of Florence (Italy), a UNESCO World Heritage Site |
Theme 1 | Stefano Utili | Newcastle University | UK | Landslide Geometry and Activity in Villa de la Independencia (Bolivia) Revealed by InSAR and Seismic Noise Measurements |
Theme 1 | Stephan Grilli | University of Rhode Island | USA | Tsunami generation by Volcanic flank collapse: Case study of Anak Krakatau |
Theme 1 | Taro Kakinuma | Kagoshima University | Japan | Numerical simulation for tsunami generation due to a landslide |
Theme 1 | Tommaso Carla | University of Florence | Italy | An innovative monitoring technique for the management of rockfall hazard along transportation corridors in alpine regions |
Theme 1 | Tso-Ren Wu | National Central University | Chinese Taipei | Three-Dimensional Simulation on the Rockslide and Mudslide Generated Tsunamis |
Theme 1 | Uri ten Brink | USGS | USA | Using statistics to understand submarine landslide processes and hazard |
Theme 1 | Valentin Heller | University of Nottingham | UK | Landslide-tsunami propagation in different water body geometries |
Theme 1 | Viacheslav Gusiakov | Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics | Russia | December 11, 2018 landslide and |
Theme 1 | Wahyu Widiyanto | National Cheng Kung University | Chinese Taipei | Post-event field surveys of 2018 tsunami in Palu Bay and Sunda Strait |
Theme 1 | William Frodella | University of Florence | Italy | The use of InfraRed Thermography (IRT) for the protection and conservation of rupestrian CH sites affected by slope instabilities |
Theme 1 | Xu Tang | IRDR | China | Collaboration in Multi-hazard Early Warnings through an Integrated Way |
Theme 1 | Yuka Makino | FAO | Italy | Resilient Watershed Management: Landscape Approach to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction |
Theme 1 | Zeljko Arbanas | University of Rijeka | Croatia | Landslides, The journal of International Consortium on Landslides |
Theme 2 | Hiromitsu Yamagishi | HRCG (Hokkaido Research Center of Geology) | Japan | Landslides Triggered by the September 6th 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake -Topographic and Geologic GIS-LP Analyses- |
Theme 2 | Abdelaziz Merghadi | Larbi Tebessi University | Algeria | A practical Guide Towards Automating Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Machine Learning: Case Study of Mila Bassin. |
Theme 2 | Abdikani mohamed Jeylani | Minister of humanitarian and disaster management | Somalia | Hazard Mapping and assessment |
Theme 2 | Adolfo Quesada-Roman | University of Geneva/University of Costa Rica | Switzerland | Landslide hazard and dynamics in Costa Rica |
Theme 2 | Ali Uromeihy | Tarbiat Modares University | Iran | The use of LR, MLP and RBF methods in predicting rockfalls occurence induced by earthquake |
Theme 2 | Anatoly Ischuk | Institute of Geology, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tajikistan | Tajikistan | Landslide Susceptibility Under Strong Earthquakes in the Mountainous Areas of Tajikistan |
Theme 2 | Anika Braun | Institute of Applied Geosciences, Technische Universitテ、t Berlin | Germany | Overcoming data scarcity related issues for landslide susceptibility modeling with machine learning tools |
Theme 2 | Antonio Abellan | Rock Mechanics, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. Institute of Applied Geosciences, University of Leeds | UK | Spatial aspects of the long-term evolution of rock slopes: using ice calving as proxy for investigating rock slope failures. |
Theme 2 | Athauda Arachchige Virajh Dias | Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau | Sri Lanka | 1) Lessons learned on Stability vs Failure of Road Cut Slopes |
Theme 2 | Aykut Akgun | Karadeniz Technical University | Turkey | The Topographic and Hillslope Material Characteristics of Landslide Size Distributions in Cretaceous窶摘ocene Flysch Assemblages of West Part of Black Sea Region (Turkey) |
Theme 2 | Azemeraw Wubalem | University of Gondar | Ethiopia | Modeling of Landslide Susceptibility in a Part of Abay Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia based on Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical Methods |
Theme 2 | Basanta Raj Adhikari | Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University | Nepal | Landslide hazards in the Sino-Nepal road corridors |
Theme 2 | Ben Leshchinsky | Oregon State University | USA | Regional Landslide Susceptibility based on Landslide Inventories and Lidar |
Theme 2 | Benjamin Mirus | U.S. Geological Survey | USA | Assessing landslide susceptibility and occurrence across the United States |
Theme 2 | Biswajeet Pradhan | University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Some technical misconceptions in spatial landslide hazard modelling |
Theme 2 | Bruce Malamud | Kings College London | UK | Spatial and Temporal modelling of triggered landslide event populations: Review of where we are at |
Theme 2 | Christian Arnhardt | British Geological Survey | UK | An expert-based Landslide susceptibility assessment on city scale level with limited data – an example from Kuala Lumpur City |
Theme 2 | Cigdem Tetik Bicer | Turkey Ministry Of Interior Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency | TURKEY | Landslide Hazard and Risk Assesment |
Theme 2 | Dalia Kirschbaum | NASA | USA | Multi-scale landslide hazard assessment using remote sensing data |
Theme 2 | DARIO PEDUTO | University of Salerno | Italy | Innovative techniques and procedures for slow-moving landslide consequence forecasting |
Theme 2 | Dieu Tien Bui | University of South-Eastern Norway | Norway | Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning for spatial prediction of landslide hazards |
Theme 2 | Dirk Kuhn | Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources | Germany | Forkastningsfjellet rock slide, Spitsbergen: State of activity in a changing climate |
Theme 2 | Domenico Calcaterra | Federico II University of Napoli, Italy | Italy | Landslide susceptibility assessment by ensemble-based machine learning models |
Theme 2 | Droupti Yadav | CSJM University Kanpur, U.P., India | India | Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping of the Himalayan Region: A case study of Uttarakhand Himalaya, India |
Theme 2 | Dymphna Javier | University of the Philippines Baguio | Philippines | Landslide triggering rainfall and landslide susceptibility estimation in northern Philippines |
Theme 2 | Edier Aristizabal | National University of Colombvia | Colombia | Rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility assessment in mountainous and tropical scarse-data region of the Colombian Andes |
Theme 2 | Elias Garcia-Urquia | Civil Engineering Department, National Autonomous University of Honduras | Honduras | How much does the lack of rainfall and landslide data affect the performance of rainfall thresholds for early warning systems? |
Theme 2 | Farida Boulaghmen | University of Amar Telidji Laghouat | Algeria | Identification and multidisciplinary Diagnostic of Flood Risk Management in Algeria case of four Wilayas |
Theme 2 | Farrokh Nadim | NGI | Norway | Theoretical framework for estimating the annual probability of occurrence of landslides |
Theme 2 | Ferdaus Ahmad | Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia | Malaysia | Slope Hazard and Risk Mapping (PBRC) – A Disaster Risk Reduction Initiative |
Theme 2 | George Gaprindashvili | National Environmental Agency, Department of Geology | Georgia | Geological Hazard (Landslide, Debris/Mudflow, Rockfall et. al) zoning map of Tbilisi city (Georgia) |
Theme 2 | Gerardo Herrera | The Geological Surveys of Europe | Spain | Landslide impact in Europe. A review by the Geological Surveys. |
Theme 2 | Hans-Balder Havenith | University of Liege | Belgium | 3D landslide models in VR |
Theme 2 | HIROSHI YAGI | Yamagata University | Japan | Susceptibility evaluation of slope deformations using optical and radar satellite images |
Theme 2 | Jafar Hassanpour | University of Tehran | Iran | Rainfall induced landslide in Mazandaran province, Iran |
Theme 2 | Jewgenij Torizin | Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) | Germany | Practical accounting for uncertainties in data-driven landslide susceptibility models. Examples from the Lanzhou case study. |
Theme 2 | Jiaying Li | Central South University | China | Spatiotemporal Assessment of Geological Hazard Safety along Railway Engineering using a Novel Method: A Case Study of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, China |
Theme 2 | Jie Dou | The University of Tokyo | Japan | Evaluating Ensemble Machine Learning for Landslide assessment in a Mountainous Watershed |
Theme 2 | John Dehls | Geological Survey of Norway | Norway | Mapping landslides at a nationwide scale using InSAR: the Norwegian Ground Motion Service |
Theme 2 | Johnny Vega | Universidad de Medellin | Colombia | Evaluation of the effect of deforestation on slope stability using remote sensing products and dendrometric models |
Theme 2 | Jong Kim | Nazarbayev University | Kazakhstan | Detection and characterization of landslides using satellite remote sensing technologies: A case study for Kazakhstan |
Theme 2 | Jorge Antonio Paz Tenorio | Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas | Mexico | Cartography of susceptibility to landslides and analysis of vulnerabilities |
Theme 2 | Judith Uwihirwe | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Understanding landslide occurrence and distribution in North-western Rwanda |
Theme 2 | Jung-Hsuan (Rosana) Lin | University of Tsukuba | Japan | Weathering of Serpentinite in Relation to Landslide Types in Yahata Landslide, Japan |
Theme 2 | Kamila Pawluszek-Filipiak | WrocナBw University of Environmental and life sciences | Poland | Opportunities and challenges of the object-oriented automatic landslide detection from the high resolution Digital Elevation Model |
Theme 2 | Kana Nakatani | Kyoto University, Graduate School of Agriculture | Japan | Applying debris flow simulation for considering detail hazard risk and mapping |
Theme 2 | Kifle Woldearegay Woldemariam | Mekelle University | Ethiopia | Landslides in developing countries; the case of Ethiopia |
Theme 2 | Kuntala Bhusan | North Eastern Space Applications Centre | India | Landslide scenario in North East India and associated challenges |
Theme 2 | Laurie Kurilla | University of Torino, Dept. of Earth Sciences | Italy | Global debris flow susceptibility, current and future human impact, based on climate and urbanization trends |
Theme 2 | Laurie Kurilla | University of Torino, Dept. of Earth Sciences | Italy | Global susceptibility of debris flows and spatial accuracy |
Theme 2 | Lea Tien Tay | Universiti Sains Malaysia | Malaysia | Landslide Hazard Mapping of Penang Island Malaysia using deep learning |
Theme 2 | Loi Doan Huy | International Consortium on Landslides/ Institute of Transport Science and Technology | Japan | The adverse effects of urbanization in the 2014.8.20 debris slide-debris flow disasters in Hiroshima, Japan |
Theme 2 | Luis Angel Jimenez Lopez | CIIEMAD IPN | MEXICO | Study of the geological hazard due to landslides in the Motozintla basin, Chiapas, Mexico. |
Theme 2 | Maria Papathoma-Kohle | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute for Mountain Risk Engineering | Austria | Physical vulnerability of buildings to debris flow-state of the art and future challenges |
Theme 2 | Mario Reyes | Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales | El Salvador | Landslide susceptibility mapping in El Salvador using multivariate adaptive regression splines |
Theme 2 | Masahiro Shinoda | National Defense Academy | Japan | Regional landslide susceptibility following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake using back-calculated geomaterial strength parameters |
Theme 2 | Meei-Ling Lin | Dept. of Civil Engrg., National Taiwan University | Chinese Taipei | Potential Analysis of Deep-seated Landslides Caused by Typhoon Morakot |
Theme 2 | Menal Zaheer | National Engineering Services Pakistan | Pakistan | Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Zonation of Murree Area, Pakistan |
Theme 2 | Merghadi Abdelaziz | Larbi Tebessi University | Algeria | A practical Guide Towards Automating Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Machine Learning: Case Study of Mila Basin |
Theme 2 | Michel Jaboyedoff | ISTE-University of Lausanne | Switzerland | The long term landslides history or the mass movements shaping landscapes |
Theme 2 | Michele Calvello | University of Salerno | Italy | Real-time landslide hazard assessment for regional warning |
Theme 2 | Michio Ishigaki | OYO Corporation | Japan | The extraction of prediction in the surrounding of Yabakei Landslide by SqueeSARツョ and RMT |
Theme 2 | Mike Winter | TRL | UK | Quantitative Risk Assessment of Potential Fatalities Amongst Road Users from Debris Flow Events |
Theme 2 | Mio Kasai | Hokkaido University | Japan | Spotting active landslide mass with surface roughness index |
Theme 2 | Mohamed Rouai | Moulay Ismail University of Meknes | Morocco | Slope Stability and Landslide Hazard in Volubilis Archaeological Site (Morocco) |
Theme 2 | Mohd Farid Abdul Kadir | Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia | Malaysia | Risk-Informed Land Use Planning for Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction |
Theme 2 | Mohd Khairolden Ghani | Construction Research Institute of Malaysia | Malaysia | Landslide Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Analysis for Critical Infrastructure in Malaysia |
Theme 2 | Munawar Munawar | BMKG | Indonesia | Rainfall Induced Landslide Threshold Distribution in West Java Province |
Theme 2 | Nick Rosser | Durham University | UK | Assessing the evolution of post-earthquake landslide hazard: the legacy of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal |
Theme 2 | Olga Barykina | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russia | Geological conditions of landslide activity on Vorobyovy Gory (Moscow, Russia) |
Theme 2 | Olivier Dewitte | Royal Museum for Central Africa | Belgium | Landslide timing in a data-scarce tropical environment: from recent to very old processes in the Kivu Rift |
Theme 2 | Oscar Rolando Elvir Ferman | Instituto Hondureno De Ciencias De La Tierra-Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Honduras | Honduras | The importance of understanding landslides in Honduras a case of study:Analisys of susceptibility to landslides in municipality of Ajuterique, Honduras |
Theme 2 | Pantaleone De Vita | Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse – Universitテ di Napoli Federico II | Italy | Control of soil thickness spatial variability on the initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides |
Theme 2 | Paola Reichenbach | CNR-IRPI | Italy | A review of statistically-based landslide susceptibility models |
Theme 2 | Paola Salvati | CNR-IRPI | Italy | People vulnerability to landslide: risky behaviour or fatality? |
Theme 2 | Paolo Tarolli | University of Padova | Italy | Landslides in steep-slope agricultural landscapes |
Theme 2 | Pasquale Versace | University of Calabria | Italy | EVIL model: a method for vulnerability and risk assesment of the people |
Theme 2 | Paulo Silva | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Colombia | Zonficacion Susceptibilidad cuenca Bogota |
Theme 2 | Perla Rodriguez Contreras | CIIEMAD IPN | Mexico | Characterization of the Geological Hazardtin Volcanic Domos (Colli and Tajo) Located in the West of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico |
Theme 2 | Petra Domlija | University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering | Croatia | Identification and mapping of shallow landslides in gullied topography |
Theme 2 | Phil Mourot | Waikato Regional Council / GEO-ID | New Zealand | Geological hazards in geothermal areas: Impact on Maori cultural heritage |
Theme 2 | Piyoosh Rautela | Disaster Mitigation and Management Centre | India | Landslides in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand and development challenges |
Theme 2 | Praveen Kumar Rai | Amity University, Noida | India | Remote Sensing and GIS based study of Landslide Mapping and Monitoring in Garwal Himalaya, India |
Theme 2 | Rafal Sikora | Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute | Poland | Various aspects of landslides zonation in the Sudetes (SW Poland) – regional scale analysis, susceptibility map and key to risk assessment. |
Theme 2 | Rajib Kumar Saha | Geological Survey of Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Landslide hazards of Thanchi-Alikadam Upazila, Bandarban Hill District, Bangladesh |
Theme 2 | Rex Baum | U. S. Geological Survey | USA | Quantifying and reducing uncertainty in assessments of rainfall-induced landslides |
Theme 2 | Richard Guthrie | Stantec | Canada | Refining Landslide Runout Threats Using a New, Agent-Based, Landslide Runout Model |
Theme 2 | Roger Ruiz-Carulla | Technical University of Catalonia | Spain | Fractal Fragmentation Model for Rockfalls |
Theme 2 | Samuele Segoni | University of Florence | Italy | Landslide susceptibility assessment in complex geological settings: sensitivity to geological information and insights on its parameterization |
Theme 2 | Sanja Bernat Gazibara | Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering | Croatia | Automated landslide mapping using LiDAR for landslide susceptibility assessment |
Theme 2 | Senem Tekin | Cukurova University | Turkey | Landslide Hazard Assessments In Goksu River Watershed (Southern Turkey) |
Theme 2 | Sergio Sepulveda | Universidad de OHiggins | Chile | Landslide vulnerability changes and migration in Antofagasta, Northern Chile |
Theme 2 | Settimio Ferlisi | Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno | Italy | Consequence scenarios in urban areas exposed to rainfall-induced slope instabilities |
Theme 2 | Shahram Nasiri | The University of Queensland | Australia | Concerns over reliable earthquake-induced landslide hazard assessment: Developing sophisticated geotechnical databases and 3D landslide inventories |
Theme 2 | Shantanu Sarkar | CENTRAL BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE | India | Engineering Geological Investigation and Slope Stability Analysis for Landslide Hazard Assessment in Indian Himalayas |
Theme 2 | Sharad Kumar Gupta | Indian Institute of Technology Mandi | India | An Ordinal Scale Weighting Approach for Susceptibility Mapping Around Tehri Dam, Uttarakhand, India |
Theme 2 | Shoji Doshida | National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, Japan | Japan | Evaluation of secondary landslide susceptibility at the moment of the first response |
Theme 2 | Shou Hao Chiang | National Central University | Chinese Taipei | Applying Multi-temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Event Landslides Detection |
Theme 2 | Stefan Steger | Eurac Research | Italy | A spatial statistical analysis of inventoried slide-type movements for South Tyrol (Italy) |
Theme 2 | Stratis KARANTANELLIS | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Geology | Greece | Object-based landslide hazard detection using machine learning |
Theme 2 | SUNIL KUMAR DE | NORTH-EASTERN HILL UNIVERSITY | India | Landslide Hazard Zonation of North Sikkim Himalayas, India |
Theme 2 | Tapas Martha | National Remote Sensing Centre | India | Geospatial landslide inventory database of India for decision makers |
Theme 2 | Thanh Nguyen Kim | Institute of Transport Science and Technology, Vietnam | Vietnam | Developing landslide recognition and simple mapping by UAV for local resident in mountainous area in Vietnam |
Theme 2 | Thomas Glade | University of Vienna | AUSTRIA | A national landslide susceptibility assessment in Austria |
Theme 2 | Tien Pham | Institute of Transport Science and Technology | Vietnam | Landslides along Halong-Vandon Expressway in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam |
Theme 2 | Timotej Verbovsek | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering | Slovenia | Maximum Likelihood Classification method for detection of litho-geomorphological units in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia |
Theme 2 | Tomas Kroczek | Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology | Czech Republic | Natural Hazards of Lake Imja, Nepal: susceptibility to outburst |
Theme 2 | Tomislav Popit | University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology | Slovenia | Roughness analysis of fossil landslide surfaces in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia |
Theme 2 | Toyohiko MIYAGI | Advantechnology Co., Ltd | Japan | Fundamentals of slope disaste risk reduction mapping for local residents in Japan and Vietnam |
Theme 2 | Toyohiko MIYAGI | Tohoku-Gakuin University | Japan | Hazard and vulnerability mapping for local resident in Vietnam and Japan |
Theme 2 | Txomin Bornaetxea | University of the Basque Country | Spain | The Effective Surveyed Area. Uncertainty reduction in field work based landslide inventories. |
Theme 2 | Ursula Guerra | Fundacao GEO-RIO | Brazil | PhD Student |
Theme 2 | Vanessa Cuervo | BGC Engineering Inc., University of Waterloo | Canada | Tailings Dam Failure Hazard Assessment |
Theme 2 | Victor Carvalho Cabral | Universidade Estadual Paulista | Brazil | Assessment of landslide susceptibility using SHALSTAB and SINMAP at Serra do Mar, Brazil |
Theme 2 | Vikram Gupta | Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology | India | Active tectonics and the distribution of landslides along the Indian Himalayan river valleys |
Theme 2 | Vishal Mishra | Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee | India | Monitoring of Reservoir Induced Landslides in Uttarakhand Himalayas using Radar Remote Sensing |
Theme 2 | WeiDong Wang | School of Civil Engineering of Central South University | China | Geological Hazard Assessment of Railway Engineering: A Case Study of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, China |
Theme 2 | Wentao Yang | Beijing Forestry University | China | Landslide surface recovery after major earthquakes around the globe |
Theme 2 | William Schulz | United States Geological Survey | USA | Use of InSAR at multiple spatial and temporal scales to reveal landsliding mechanisms |
Theme 2 | Yanto Yanto | Jenderal Soedirman University | Indonesia | Introduction to SLIDE, A Large Scale Landslide Prone Area Model |
Theme 2 | Yasser ELSHAYEB | Cairo University | Egypt | Zone Risk Maps in greater Cairo region and areas of high cultural value |
Theme 2 | Younus Ahmed Khan | University of Rajshahi | Bangladesh | Landslide hazard and risk map of Chottogram hill Districts |
Theme 2 | Yuji HASEGAWA | Hiroshima University | Japan | Debris flows occurred in Hiroshima due to 2018 July heavy rain and proposing detail hazard mapping |
Theme 2 | Yusrin Faiz Abd Wahab | Construction Research Institute of Malaysia | Malaysia | Landslide Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Analysis for Critical Infrastructure in Malaysia |
Theme 2 | Zefanya Putra | Pertamina University | Indonesia | Landslide Hazard Identification through Remote Sensing |
Theme 2 | Zheng Han | Central South University | China | Application of Deep Learning Technology for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study in Sichuan Province, China |
Theme 2 | Zuhairi Abd Hamid | Construction Research Institute of Malaysia | Malaysia | Landslide Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Analysis for Critical Infrastructure in Malaysia |
Theme 3 | Adriaan van Natijne | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Machine Learning for Local and Regional Nowcasting of Deep-seated Landslides |
Theme 3 | Adrian Wicki | Federal Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL | Switzerland | The value of soil wetness measurements for regional landslide Early Warning Systems |
Theme 3 | Agie Wandala Putra | Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics of Republic of Indonesia (BMKG) | Indonesia | The Efficient Early Warning with South East-Asia Oceania Flash Flood Guidance System (SAOFFGS) |
Theme 3 | Agus Setyo Muntohar | Univeritas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta | Indonesia | Development of Landslide Early Warning System based on the Rainfall Threshold in Indonesia |
Theme 3 | Andrea Carri | ASE S.r.l. | Italy | Remote geotechnical monitoring in the IoT era |
Theme 3 | Andrea Segalini | Universitテ di Parma | Italy | Definition and application of a new multi-criteria algorithm to identify the landslide acceleration phase |
Theme 3 | Anna Barra | CTTC | Spain | Sentinel-1 landslides detection: the Granada coast |
Theme 3 | Anna Scolobig | University of Geneva | Switzerland | Landslide warning communication: challenges and prospects |
Theme 3 | Anshu Ogra | King’s College London | UK | Institutional Structure for Landslide Early Warning System in India |
Theme 3 | Antoinette Tordesillas | University of Melbourne | Australia | Enhancing AI with physics and micromechanics of granular failure in forecasting landslides |
Theme 3 | Bapon Fakhruddin | Tonkin and Taylor | New Zealand | Multi-hazards impact based early warning system |
Theme 3 | Brenda Rosser | GNS Science | New Zealand | Development of a rainfall-induced landslide forecast tool for New Zealand |
Theme 3 | Catherine Pennington | British Geological Survey | UK | Preliminary results from data-driven IoT landslide monitoring systems in the UK |
Theme 3 | Chih-Chung Chung | National Central University | Chinese Taipei | The Development of TDR-integrated landslide Early Warning System |
Theme 3 | Chun-Fan CHANG | Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University | Chinese Taipei | Relational Application with Profiling Potentials of Alike Land Displacement Strain and Soil Liquidity Stress |
Theme 3 | claudia Meisina | University of Pavia | Italy | Hydrological model for predicting shallow landslides with the integration of satellite soil moisture and rainfall |
Theme 3 | D Jean Hutchinson | Queen’s University | Canada | Towards managing debris channel risks to infrastructure: Understanding debris processes using remotely sensed data. |
Theme 3 | David Huntley | Geological Survey of Canada | Canada | Field testing innovative RTK-GPS-GNSS-UAV monitoring technologies |
Theme 3 | Deepak KC | CDRMP/United Nations Development Programme | Nepal | Community Based Early Warning System for Floods and Landlsides in Policies and Practices |
Theme 3 | Fausto Guzzetti | CNR | Italy | A review of landslide early warning systems |
Theme 3 | Federico Raspini | Earth Sciences Department of the University of Firenze | Italy | Landslide mapping and monitoring with satellite interferometry |
Theme 3 | Filippo Catani | University of Florence | Italy | Landslide monitoring and forecasting by remote sensing and numerical models |
Theme 3 | Gaetano Pecoraro | University of Salerno | Italy | Definition and application of probabilistic EW thresholds for landslide occurrences at regional scale in Italy |
Theme 3 | George Adamson | King’s College London | UK | The institutional structure of disaster risk reduction in India and its relation to landslides |
Theme 3 | Graziella Devoli | Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate | Norway | Seven years of landslide forecasting in Norway 窶・strengths and limitations |
Theme 3 | Ha Nguyen Duc | Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources | Vietnam | A Coupled Hydrological – Geotechnical Framework for Forecasting Shallow Landslide Hazard |
Theme 3 | Hiroshi, P. Sato | College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon Univ. | Japan | Detection of landslide surface deformation using InSAR of ALOS-2 data in Jure landslide, Sunkoshi River watershed, Nepal |
Theme 3 | Hyuck-Jin Park | Sejong University | Korea, Rep. | Probabilistic modelling of uncertainties in physically based landslide susceptibility assessment |
Theme 3 | Jan Blahut | Czech Academy of Sciences, IRSM | Czech Republic | Using novel techiques for landslide monitoring |
Theme 3 | Jean-Philippe Malet | CNRS – Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre | France | Massive processing of satellite image time series for landslide forecasting |
Theme 3 | John Singer | AlpGeorisk | Germany | Landslide early warning and detection system for shallow landlslides in informal settlements in developing countries |
Theme 3 | Jose Cepeda | Norwegian Geotechnical Institute – NGI | Norway | A generalized form of the power law function for precipitation thresholds |
Theme 3 | Katerina Kavoura | University of Patras | Greece | Establishment of an integrated landslide early warning and monitoring system in populated areas |
Theme 3 | Katsuo Sasahara | Kochi University | Japan | Time prediction of shallow landslide based on the monitoring of slope displacement |
Theme 3 | Keren Dai | Chengdu University of Technology | China | time to build the intergrated earth observation landslide early warning system |
Theme 3 | Klaus-Peter Keilig | Technical University of Munich | Germany | The large Tskneti landslide (Georgia). Investigation, monitoring and eary warning |
Theme 3 | Ko-Fei Liu | National Taiwan University | Chinese Taipei | Debris flow detection with CCD |
Theme 3 | Kurosch Thuro | Technical University of Munich | Germany | Development of an early warning system for shallow landslides in the tropical Andes (Medellテュn; Colombia) |
Theme 3 | Liang Feng | University of Florence | Italy | Rockfall detection and early warning using micro-seismic monitoring |
Theme 3 | Lin Wang | Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation | Japan | An early warning system of unstable slopes by multi-point MEMS tilting sensors and water contents |
Theme 3 | Luca Piciullo | NGI | Norway | Towards reliable landslide early warning systems |
Theme 3 | Maneesha Ramesh | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | India | Enhancing the reliability of IoT System for landslide monitoring by integrating learning models |
Theme 3 | Manojit Samanta | CSIR-Central Building Research Institute | India | A review of rainfall threshold for landslide initiation, limitations and way forward |
Theme 3 | Maria Teresa Brunetti | CNR IRPI | Italy | Regional approaches in forecasting rainfall-induced landslides |
Theme 3 | Mario Parise | University Aldo Moro, Dept. Earth and Environmental Sciences | Italy | Do we really use landslide susceptibility maps? |
Theme 3 | Matt Lato | BGC Engineering | Canada | Advances in 4D remote sensing for landslide mapping and risk assessment |
Theme 3 | Mihai Niculita | Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi | Romania | LiDAR and UAV SfM for landslide monitoring |
Theme 3 | Mingsheng Liao | Wuhan University | China | Mapping and monitoring surface displacements in mountainous- |
Theme 3 | Naoki Iwata | Chuden Engineering Consultants Co.,Ltd | Japan | Influence of measuring time and displacement intervals in predicting a slope failure time using Fukuzono’s Model |
Theme 3 | Nikhil Nedumpallile Vasu | British Geological Survey | UK | Soil water balance approach for forecasting rainfall-induced landslides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
Theme 3 | Nikolaos Depountis | University of Patras | Greece | Establishment of an integrated landslide early warning and monitoring system in populated areas |
Theme 3 | Nur Hussain | McMaster University | Canada | Remote sensing based landslides risk measurement |
Theme 3 | Oriol Monserrat | CTTC | Spain | Sentinel-1 as a tool to support early warning systems |
Theme 3 | Paola Revellino | Department of Sciences and Technologies, University of Sannio | Italy | Field evidence of clay landslide movement triggered by artificial vibrations |
Theme 3 | Paolo Allasia | CNR IRPI | Italy | The role of measure of deep seated displacements in the modern monitoring networks |
Theme 3 | Paolo Mazzanti | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Recent developments in photomonitoring |
Theme 3 | Ping Lu | Tongji University | China | Landslide Inventory Mapping from VHR, HR and MR imageries |
Theme 3 | Prakash Chandra Tiwari | Kumaun University, Nainital | India | Community Based Early Warning System for Climate Change Induced Landslide Risk Reduction in Himalaya |
Theme 3 | Prodip Mandal | Cooch behar Panchanan Barma University | India | Rainfall thresholds for the prediction of rainfall-induced landslides along NH-10 in Darjeeling Himalayas, India |
Theme 3 | Qiang Xu | State Key Laboratory of Geo-hazard Prevention and Geo-environment Protection,Chengdu University of Technology | China | Some success early warning cases of landslides |
Theme 3 | Ray Andrew Buensuceso | Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology | Philippines | Monitoring and Early Warning System for Shallow and Deep-seated Landslides: A preliminary study in the Philippines |
Theme 3 | Roberta Boni | Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences | Italy | Assessment of the SentineL ground deformation data Feasibility for large scale lAndslide monitoring (ALFA) |
Theme 3 | ROUFEI CHEN | Department of Geology/Chinese Culture University | Chinese Taipei | Using multi-temporal interferometry to recognize sliding blocks with in deep-seated landslide by ALOS/ALOS2 imagery |
Theme 3 | Roy Anthony Luna | AMH Philippines, Inc | Philippines | Development of Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System for Philippine Infrastructures |
Theme 3 | Runqing Ye | Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey | China | Analysis of Deformation Characteristics of Landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area・靴hina |
Theme 3 | Sangeeth kumar Chinnadurai | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | India | Comparison of Data Networking Architectures for Remote Landslide Warning System:Pros and Cons |
Theme 3 | Sergey Matsiy | Kuban State Agrarian University | Russia | Landslide Risk-Assestment |
Theme 3 | Shobhana Lakhera | Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), India | India | Establishing Soil moisture and Intensity-duration based rainfall thresholds for the initiation of mass movements along the National Highway-58 in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand |
Theme 3 | Silvia Bianchini | University of Firenze | Italy | Satellite interferometric radar data as continuous streaming for landslide monitoring and civil protection purposes |
Theme 3 | Soumya Darshan Panda | Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee | India | Regional Rainfall Intensity Threshold for Landslides in Uttarakhand Himalaya, India |
Theme 3 | Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian | State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection (SKLGP), Chengdu University of Technology | China | Modelling and defining early warning thresholds for snowmelt induced soil slope failures in seasonal cold regions |
Theme 3 | Takashi Koi | Hokkaido University | Japan | Characterstics of debris-flow induced rainfall after volcanic eruption |
Theme 3 | Tamara Breuninger | Technical University of Munich | Germany | Social Aspects of an Early Warning System in Informal Settlements in Medellテュn, Colombia |
Theme 3 | Taro Uchimura | Saitama University | Japan | Monitoring of slope deformation and seepage by elastic wave propagation |
Theme 3 | Teuku Faisal Fathani | Universitas Gadjah Mada | INDONESIA | Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System |
Theme 3 | Thom Bogaard | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | What hydrological informationsshould we include in landslide hzard assessment and Early Warning Systems? |
Theme 3 | Uday K V | IIT Mandi | India | Landslide debris-flow Prediction using Ensemble and Non-Ensemble Machine-Learning Methods |
Theme 3 | Varun Dutt | Indian Institute of Technology Mandi | India | Landslide debris-flow Prediction using Ensemble and Non-Ensemble Machine-Learning Methods |
Theme 3 | Veronica Tofani | University of Florence – Department of Earth Sciences | Italy | Physically based modeling to fiorecast shallow landslides at regional scale |
Theme 3 | Vikas Thakur | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | NORWAY | Need for an integrated landslide and cybersecurity management framework |
Theme 3 | Weniza Weniza | Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics BMKG | Indonesia | Indonesian Tsunami Hazard Early Warning System; the Challenge and Innovations |
Theme 3 | Xiaolei Liu | Ocean University of China | China | In situ observations of wave-induced submarine landslide on the Yellow River subaqueous delta |
Theme 3 | Ying Liu | Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | Remote sensing monitoring of landslides along highways |
Theme 3 | Zongji Yang | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment | China | Prediction of landslide mass remobilization based on the monitoring of soil water in the slope |
Theme 4 | Akihiko Wakai | Gunma University | Japan | Numerical simulation of a creeping landslide case in Japan |
Theme 4 | Alonso A. Alfaro Navarrete | MOPT – El Salvador | El Salvador | Rockfall and landslides events and its study in Los Chorros Segment of the CA01 route, El Salvador. |
Theme 4 | Ananta Man Singh Pradhan | Pukyong National University | Korea, Rep. | Hybrid rainfall thresholds and landslide susceptibility for scenario-based vulnerability and risk assessment in South Korea |
Theme 4 | Anthony Leung | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong SAR, China | Innovative use of thermo-active pile row in unsaturated soil slope |
Theme 4 | Avirut Chinkulkijniwat | Suranaree University of Technology | Thailand | Evaluation of failure plane for shallow landslides under ranfall conditions. |
Theme 4 | Beena Ajmera | North Dakota State University | USA | Simplest Methods of determining dynamic soil properties for use in coseismic seismic hazard analysis |
Theme 4 | Binod Tiwari | California State University, Fullerton | USA | Influence of wildfire in changing physical properties of slopes and triggering mass movement |
Theme 4 | Bolin Huang | China Three Gorges University | China | Dynamic Analysis of Impulse Wave Generated by the Collapse of Granular Pillar |
Theme 4 | Chaojun Ouyang | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,CAS | China | Numerical modeling of dynamic process and risk prediction of recent catastrophe landslides |
Theme 4 | Ching Hung | National Cheng Kung University | Chinese Taipei | Relationship between Arias intensity and the earthquake-induced displacements of slopes |
Theme 4 | Christopher Gomez | Kobe University | Japan | Inter-event and intra-flow grain-size change and impacts on mountains and volcanic debris flows runout |
Theme 4 | Clarence Choi | The University of Hong Kong | China | Impact of debris flow against multiple barriers |
Theme 4 | Deepak Raj Bhat | Okuyama Boring Co., Ltd. | Japan | Shearing rate effect on residual strength of typical clayey soils |
Theme 4 | Domenico Lombardi | The University of Manchester | UK | A state-dependent procedure for the evaluation of post-liquefaction stability of sand |
Theme 4 | Dongri Song | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | Basal stresses of debris flow in instrumented flume |
Theme 4 | Emmanouil Fleris | Technical University of Vienna | Austria | A study of Rockfall processes at different geomorphological settings through a stochastic numerical approach in 3D. |
Theme 4 | Erica Akemi | UCSB | USA | Landslide Risk Assessment using Ordinal Logistic Regression for Sao Paulo city, Brazil |
Theme 4 | George Goodwin | University of Hong Kong | China | Coarse-grained flows and slit-structures: a closer look at the transitition between self-cleaning and mechanical trapping |
Theme 4 | Giuseppe Mandrone | University of Torino | Italy | Wild fire induced landslide in Italy |
Theme 4 | guotao ma | university of warwick | UK | Probabilistic kinematics of landslides with stochastic material point method considering random fields |
Theme 4 | Hitoshi Nakase | TEPSCO | Japan | Validating the Reproduction of the Sedimentation State of Collapsed Soil during Rock Slope Collapse Using the Simplified DEM Model |
Theme 4 | Irene Manzella | University of Plymouth | UK | Granular flow experiments and mobility of large mass flows |
Theme 4 | Jiajia Wang | Chang’an University | China | Tsunami Squares modeling of landslide generated impulsive waves |
Theme 4 | Jianqi Zhuang | Chang’an University | China | Mechanism of the remodel loess failure due to Gully Stabilization and Highland Protection and improvement using Sodium Alginate |
Theme 4 | Jin Sun | University of Edinburgh | UK | Particle simulation methods for slope stability and flow analysis |
Theme 4 | Jonathan Carey | GNS Science | New Zealand | Laboratory simulations of submarine landslide failure mechanisms |
Theme 4 | Jonathan Nuttall | Deltares | Netherlands | Probabilistic Site Characterization using CPT data, Convolutional Neural Networks and Random Fields |
Theme 4 | Jordi Corominas | Universitat Politティcnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech | Spain | Fragmental rockfalls and the analysis of risk |
Theme 4 | Jun Umemura | Nihon University | JAPAN | Shear tests for the slip surface of earthquake induced landslides based on the scenario at the time of their occurrence |
Theme 4 | Kaiheng Hu | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS | China | Risk assessment of potential landslide dammed lakes |
Theme 4 | Kazuya ITOH | Tokyo City University | Japan | Centrifuge model tests of rainfall-induced slope failures |
Theme 4 | Keh-Jian Shou | NATIONAL CHUNG-HSING UNIVERSITY | Chinese Taipei | On the scale effect of the catchment landslide susceptibility with consideration of climate change |
Theme 4 | Khang Dang | ICL | Japan | Hazard assessment of a rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide in Hakha city, Myanmar |
Theme 4 | Kiminori Araiba | National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster | Japan | Stability of piled rocks |
Theme 4 | Kumari M. Weerasinghe | CECB | Sri Lanka | Deformities & Dynamics of Long-Travel Landslides |
Theme 4 | Kuo-Hsin Yang | NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY | Chinese Taipei | Deformation characteristics of shallow unstable slopes subjected to rainfall |
Theme 4 | Limin Zhang | Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | China | 1. Assessment of risks of the Baige landslide dams on the Jinsha River, China, in 2018; 2. Risk-informed decision on mountain highway alighment in landslide-prone areas |
Theme 4 | Luke McGuire | University of Arizona | USA | Application of a hydrologic threshold for improved understanding of post-wildfire debris flow initiation |
Theme 4 | Luqi Wang | China University of Geosciences | China | Risk assessment of submerged rock mass in reservoir area |
Theme 4 | Marta Tomaszczyk | Polish Geological Institute-NRI | Poland | Numerical restoration of pre-failure slope geometry using DSI algorithm |
Theme 4 | Martin Mergili | BOKU University, Institute of Applied Geology | Austria | Advanced methods for simulating complex landslides |
Theme 4 | Masato Kobiyama | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul | Brazil | Hazard connectivity index for debris-flow disaster management |
Theme 4 | Mastura Azmi | Universiti Sains Malaysia | Malaysia | Effect of matric suction in ground movement during extreme rainfall events |
Theme 4 | Matteo Del Soldato | University of Firenze | Italy | Field survey practical approach of continuous SAR monitored areas |
Theme 4 | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technolog, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Numerical modeling sliding behavior and safety factor analysis of the right-bank of the river Jamuna, Central Banglaesh |
Theme 4 | Mega Lia Istiyanti | University of Yamanashi | Japan | Shear test on reconstituted sample (Tephra layer with kaolinite) related to the landslide due to heavy rainfall: A case study in the Aso Volcano area, Kyushu, Japan |
Theme 4 | Nejc Bezak | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia | An extreme May 2018 debris flood case study in northern Slovenia: analysis, modelling, and mitigation |
Theme 4 | Netra Prakash Bhandary | Ehime University | Japan | Residual-state ring shear creep tests on clayey materials and development of creep failure model |
Theme 4 | Ngoc Ha Do | University of Yamanashi | Japan | Research on landslides mechanism in case of heavy rainfall by flume experiment |
Theme 4 | Nimani Kulathilake | Central engineering consultancy Bureau | Sri Lanka | Comparison of strength parameters and soil moduli E 50 |
Theme 4 | Nobutaka Hiraoka | National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan | Japan | Study on Slope Failure due to Groundwater during Excavation using Centrifuge modeling |
Theme 4 | Panyabot Kaothon | Gangneung-Wonjo National University | Korea, Rep. | Master Curve Approach to Soil Nail Design Based on Finite Element Method |
Theme 4 | Philips Omowumi Falae | 2Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India | India | Integrated Geo-investigations for Landslide Investigation |
Theme 4 | Pongsakorn Wongchana | Chiang Mai University | Thailand | Modelling of Creep Behavior of Claystone in Mae Moh Open-Pit Mine Using the Soft Soil Creep Model |
Theme 4 | Qiuhua Liang | Loughborough University | UK | High-performance simulation of landslide dynamics |
Theme 4 | RAJESH KUMAR DASH | CSIR-Central Building Research Institute | India | Debris flow runout estimation for landslide risk assessment in Indian Himalaya |
Theme 4 | Rolando Orense | University of Auckland | New Zealand | Application of magnetic tracking system in laboratory-scale rockfall model tests |
Theme 4 | Ryosuke Uzuoka | Kyoto University | Japan | Numerical analysis of a seismic behavior of unsaturated fill slope |
Theme 4 | Saaduddin Saaduddin | Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK | UK | Modelling the Mt. Gamalama instabilities and their threats to submarine infrastructure and the coastal population |
Theme 4 | Sabatino Cuomo | Unviersity of Salerno | Italy | Simple shear tests of loose unsaturated soils prone to liquefaction |
Theme 4 | Sanja Dugonjic Jovancevic | University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering | Croatia | Analysis of rock mass and instability phenomena along the karst-flysch contact |
Theme 4 | Saskia de Vilder | GNS Science | New Zealand | Development of a consistent quantitative risk analysis approach within a New Zealand context. |
Theme 4 | Satoshi Goto | University of Yamanashi | Japan | Recent Development in soil and rock testing techniques, application and analysis methods |
Theme 4 | Shuji Moriguchi | Tohoku University | Japan | Correlation analysis of DEM input parameters in slope failure simulations |
Theme 4 | Takashi Kitazume | Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd. | JAPAN | A prototype of real-time hazard map by debris flow simulation using cellular automaton and multi agent system |
Theme 4 | Tazio Strozzi | Gamma Remote Sensing | Switzerland | Accelerating landslide hazard at Kandersteg, Swiss Alps – Looking at 28 years of satellite and terrestrial InSAR ground movement data to understand the present landslide kinematics |
Theme 4 | Thambidurai Ponnugounder | Priyadarshini Engineering College | India | Electrical Resistivity and Geotechnical Approach for Landslide Investigation of Mangan Town, Sikkim, Northeastern India – A Case Study |
Theme 4 | Thirapong Pipatpongsa | Kyoto University | Japan | On the progression of slope failures using inverse velocity of surface movements in an undercut slope model |
Theme 4 | Timothy Stark | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | USA | Oso Landslide: Failure Mechanism and Runout Analyses |
Theme 4 | Timur Ersoz | Middle East Technical University | Turkey | Rock Slope Stability Assessment with BQ and Qslope Systems |
Theme 4 | Tina Peternel | Geological Survey of Slovenia | Slovenia | Prediction of deep-seated landslide using data-driven modelling |
Theme 4 | Tingkai Nian | Dalian University of Technology | China | Formation process simulation and stability assessment method of landslide dam |
Theme 4 | Tolga CAN | University of Cukurova / Turkey | TURKEY | Quantitative Landslide Risk Assessment in part of Central Taurus Mountains (Turkey) |
Theme 4 | Valentina Svalova | Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS | Russia | Landslide risk assessment and management for city territories |
Theme 4 | Vamshi Krishna Rao Karanam | Leibniz University of Hannover | INDIA | Land slide monitoringusing Persistant scatterer interferometry (ADInSAR) |
Theme 4 | Vladimir Matsiy | Kuban State Agrarian University | Russia | Landslide risk assestment of transportation systems |
Theme 4 | WEI ZHONG | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS | China | Spatial Stability Evaluation of Landslide |
Theme 4 | Wei-Lin Lee | National cheng kung university | Chinese Taipei | Implementing rainfall boundary condition in a multiphase model using material point method |
Theme 4 | Xiaofan An | Xi’an University of Technology | China | Grain-based distinct element modelling for flexural toppling of rock slopes |
Theme 4 | Xiaoqin Lei | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS | China | Effects of internal erosion on the stability of slopes composed of loose deposits |
Theme 4 | Yajun Li | Lanzhou University | China | Active periods of debris flows on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau |
Theme 4 | Yu Huang | Tongji University | China | Resilience assessment of Anchored Engineering Slopes Subject to seismic excitation |
Theme 4 | Yuan-Jun Jiang | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | Interaction mechanism of dry granular flow and countermeasure structure |
Theme 4 | Zhenwei Dai | Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey | China | Study on Deterioration Characteristics of Slope Rock Mass and Its New Anchorage Control Technology in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China |
Theme 4 | Zili Dai | Shimane University | Japan | SPH-based numerical modeling of submarine landslide propagation and its generated surge waves |
Theme 5 | Aditi Singh | Gautam Buddha University | India | Landslide Risk Assessment: An Overview of Recent Developments and future challenges |
Theme 5 | Alexander Strom | “Geodynamics Research Center – branch of JSC “”Hydroproject Institute””” | Russia | Kokomeren Summer School on Rockslides and Related Phenomena |
Theme 5 | Aline Silva | Rio de Janeiro Geological Survey | Brazil | Rio de Janeiro State Landslide Risk Management: Experience of the Rio de Janeiro Geological Survey |
Theme 5 | Athauda Arachchige Virajh Dias | Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau | Sri Lanka | 2) Effective Global Communication through E- Conferencing |
Theme 5 | Bayes Ahmed | University College London (UCL) | UK | The impact of culture in landslide disaster risk reduction |
Theme 5 | Bhagwati Joshi | Government Post Graduate College, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, India | India | Empowering Women in Landslide Risk Management in Himalaya |
Theme 5 | Biljana Abolmasov | University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology | Serbia | Regional slope stability analysis in landslide hazard assessment context-example from North Macedonia |
Theme 5 | Chia-Yun Wei | Freeway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications | Chinese Taipei | Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster |
Theme 5 | Dave Petley | University of Sheffield | UK | Creating a rapid understanding of landslide disasters through pooling and crowd-sourcing multiple data sources |
Theme 5 | Dongxu Yang | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS | China | Characteristics of sediment transportation and abrasion behavior of glacial debris-flow in Southeast Tibet, China |
Theme 5 | Eleftheria Poyiadji | Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration | Greece | Landslides in Greece and related legislation: difficulties and potential improvements |
Theme 5 | Elizabeth Holcombe | University of Bristol | UK | Co-producing data and decision support tools to reduce landslide risk in the humid tropics |
Theme 5 | Ellen Robson | Newcastle University | UK | Cost-effective road slope stabilisation for low-income countries |
Theme 5 | Emanuele Intrieri | University of Studies of Florence | Italy | Communicating hydrogological risk and warning: guidelines from Italy |
Theme 5 | Francisco Dourado | UERJ | Brazil | Landslides disasters in Brazil |
Theme 5 | Gianvito Scaringi | Charles University | Czech Republic | Landslide risk education at university |
Theme 5 | Gopi Basyal | Durham University | UK | Local perceptions and response to changing landslide risk following the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake: Implications for effective risk reduction |
Theme 5 | Gulsan Ara Parvin | Kyoto University | Japan | An overview of the Nature and Characteristics of Landslides in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Japan |
Theme 5 | Hatma Suryatmojo | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Indonesia | Landslide Risk Reduction for Human Survivebility and Environmental Sustainability |
Theme 5 | Hemalatha Thirugnanam | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | India | Challenges and opportunities in landslide early warning system |
Theme 5 | Hendy Setiawan | Gadjah Mada University | Indonesia | Recent progress on the development of digital crowd mapping for landslides in Java Island of Indonesia |
Theme 5 | HIROSHI OGAWA | NIPPON KOEI | JAPAN | Landslide mechanism and technical transfer at paleo topographic blockage lake – Case of central Asia Kyrgyz republic- |
Theme 5 | Hoang Ninh Nguyen | Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources | Vietnam | Landslide and flashflood prone areas in Vietnam: where to live? |
Theme 5 | Irasema Alcantara-Ayala | Institute of Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), ISC-ROLAC and MRI (Mountain Research Initiative) | Mexico | Living with no landslides: the challenge to avoid the new construction of disaster risk |
Theme 5 | Jan Klimes | IRSM CAS | Czech Republic | Community based landslide disaster risk management in developed and developing countries |
Theme 5 | Jen-Cheng Liao | Taiwan Construction Research Institute | Chinese Taipei | Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster |
Theme 5 | Julian S H Kwan | Geotecnhnical Engineering Office | Hong Kong SAR, China | Role of Remote Sensing Technology in Landslide Risk Management of Hong Kong |
Theme 5 | Kiyomi Nakamura | Japan Conservation Engineers & Co. ltd. | Japan | Extraction of subjects for regional disaster risk reduction by teaching materials simulating evacuation behaviors |
Theme 5 | Kumiko Fujita | International Consortium on Landslides | Japan | Starting International Joint Research for Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study of the Use of Japanese Warning Technology in Sri Lanka |
Theme 5 | Lee-Ping Shi | Taiwan Construction Research Institute | Chinese Taipei | Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster |
Theme 5 | Louis Ge | National Taiwan University | Chinese Taipei | International Training Course on Slope Land Disaster Reduction |
Theme 5 | Marcos Mendonca | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | Consideration of social vulnerability aspects in landslide risk mapping: the case of Angra dos Reis municipality, Brazil |
Theme 5 | Mateja Jemec Auflic | Geological Survey of Slovenia | Slovenia | On the importance of geological data for landslide risk reduction in Slovenia |
Theme 5 | Matjaz Mikos | University of Ljubljana | Slovenia | The ICL journal Landslides – 15 years of capacity building for landslide risk reduction. |
Theme 5 | Mohd Khairudin Muhamed | Ampang Jaya Municipal Council | Malaysia | Using Slope Inventories In Managing Landslide Risk Area |
Theme 5 | Ngadisih Ngadisih | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Indonesia | Community-based Landslide Risk Reduction in Merawu Watershed, Central Java |
Theme 5 | Osvaldo Luiz Leal de Moraes | CEMADEN | Brazil | Monitoring and issuing landslides early warning in Brazil: CEMADEN and its Innovative Methodology |
Theme 5 | Pascal lacroix | IRD | France | Risk management over the Maca slow-moving landslide, Peru |
Theme 5 | Raymond Cheung | Geotechnical Engineering Office | China | Landslide risk management in Hong Kong |
Theme 5 | Ricardo Garnica | Institute of Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico | Mexico | Landslide exposure community-based mapping: a first encounter in a small rural locality of Mexico |
Theme 5 | San-Shyan Lin | Dept. of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University | Chinese Taipei | Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster |
Theme 5 | Sao-Jeng Chao | National Ilan University | Chinese Taipei | A Safety Potential Analysis Model for Anchors Distributed on Freeway Slopes |
Theme 5 | Sowedi Masaba | Busitema University | Uganda | Preparedness for landslide disaster risks in Mount Elgon region, Uganda |
Theme 5 | Surya Parkash | National Institute of Disaster Management | India | Emerging Issues and Innovative Strategies for Landslides Risk Management |
Theme 5 | Tsai-Ming Yu | Freeway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications | Chinese Taipei | Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster |
Theme 5 | Wen-I Wu | Freeway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications | Chinese Taipei | Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster |
Theme 5 | Wilopo Wahyu | Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia | Indonesia | Community capacity building for landslides disaster by student community service |
Theme 6 | Andree Blais-Stevens | Geological Survey of Canada | Canada | Historical landslides that have resulted in fatalities in Canada (1771-2020). |
Theme 6 | Arash Barjasteh | Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA | IRAN | March 2019 flood impact on the stability of Ambal salt ridge in the Gotvand dam reservoir, Iran |
Theme 6 | Atm Shakhawat Hossain | Jahangirnagar University | Bangladesh | Rainfall Induced Landslide Hazards of Bangladesh—Challenges, Issues and sustainable Development |
Theme 6 | Atsuhiko Kinoshita | National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management | Japan | Study on the mechanism of the deep-seated landslide using the airborne electromagnetic surveys |
Theme 6 | Baoping Wen | China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | China | Necessary and sufficient conditions on the prediction and description of rapid and long run-out rock landslides窶・mobility |
Theme 6 | Caleb Gasston | University of Auckland | New Zealand | Surface fault rupture and landslides: investigating the triggering mechanisms of large volume landslides generated by the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake. |
Theme 6 | Carlo Esposito | Universitテ La Sapienza | Italy | Time-dependent rock mass deformation and landscape evolution in causing catastrophic rockslides |
Theme 6 | Chandrasekaran S S | Vellore Institute of Technology, India | India | Geotechnical Investigations on mechanism of flow type catastrophic landslides of Western Ghats, India |
Theme 6 | Charles W.W. Ng | Hong Kong Univrsity of Science and Technology | Hong Kong SAR, China | Interaction mechanisms between debris flow and multiple barriers |
Theme 6 | Chenxiao Tang | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS | China | Monitoring of landslide risk components after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake |
Theme 6 | Ching-Ying Tsou | Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science/Hirosaki University | Japan | Features of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation of slate slopes in the Central Range, Taiwan |
Theme 6 | Chris Massey | GNS Science | New Zealand | Earthquake-induced landscape change 窶・four years after the M W 7.8 14 November 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, New Zealand |
Theme 6 | Christian Zangerl | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna | Austria | Investigation, characterisation and monitoring of deep-seated landslides in the surroundings of large dam reservoirs |
Theme 6 | Chukwueloka Okeke | Covenant University, Nigeria | Nigeria | Sedimentology of Landslide Dams – Implications for Internal Erosion and Piping Failure: A Review |
Theme 6 | Daria Shubina | Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University | Russia | The Krasnogorsk landslide (Northern Caucasus): its evolution and modern activity |
Theme 6 | Dave Gauthier | BGC Engineering | Canada | Karrat Fjord (Greenland) tsunamigenic landslide of 17 June 2017: initial 3D observations |
Theme 6 | David Alexander | University College London | UK | The role of landslides in cascading disasters |
Theme 6 | Dericks Shukla | Indian Institute of Technology Mandi | India | What happened at Kotrupi landslide of Himachal Pradesh, India |
Theme 6 | Edwin Garcia | University of Antioquia | Colombia | A technical investigation on causation on the catastrophic landslide on 26th October 2016 in Copacabana, Colombia |
Theme 6 | Federico Agliardi | University of Milano-Bicocca | Italy | Practical characterization of slow rock slope deformation mechanisms, long-term activity and progressive failure: implications for dam reservoirs |
Theme 6 | Francis Rengers | U.S. Geological Survey | USA | Landslides after wildfire: The evolution of mass-movement initation, magnitude and mobility after fire |
Theme 6 | gioachino roberti | Minerva Intelligence | Canada | Could glacial retreat-related landslides trigger volcanic eruptions? Insights from Mount Meager volcano, Canada |
Theme 6 | Guido Rianna | CMCC Foundation | Italy | Bridging the gap between climate sciences and landslide practitioners: insights from European experiences |
Theme 6 | Hongjuan Yang | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | Rainfall-induced landslides and debris flows in Mengdong Town, Yunnan Province, China |
Theme 6 | Igor Fomenko | Russian State Geological Prospecting University n. a. Sergo Ordzhonikidzミオ (MGRI) | Russia | Paragenetic landslide-mudflow process in the upper Belaya river (Caucasus, Russia) |
Theme 6 | Ikuo Towhata | Kanto Gakuin University | Japan | Mechanism and future risk of slope instability induced by extreme rain-fall event in Izu Oshima Island, Japan |
Theme 6 | Jan Burda | VUHU | Czech Republic | Coal-mining-induced catastrophic landslide – causes, consequences and triggers (Czech Republic) |
Theme 6 | Jia-Jyun Dong | National Central University | Chinese Taipei | Submarine landslide: A case study from the southwestern of Taiwan offshore |
Theme 6 | Jian Chen | China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | China | Evolution of a giant paleolake in the upper Minjiang River, eastern Tibetan Plateau |
Theme 6 | Jiao Wang | Institute of Mountain Hazards ans Environment, CAS | China | Spatial distribution law of moraine in Parlung Tsang basin, Southeast Tibet, China |
Theme 6 | John Reynolds | Reynolds International Ltd | UK | Slope instabilities and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: processes, hazard assessment and mitigation |
Theme 6 | Komatsubara Taku | Geological Survey of Japan, AIST | Japan | Relationships between antecedent rainfall and volume of earthquake-induced縲landslides in historical era of Japan |
Theme 6 | Kun He | Southwest Jiaotong University | China | Rainfall-induced debris flow-landslide-outburst flood chain in Danba, Sichuan, China |
Theme 6 | Lei Zhu | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu | China | Failure mechanism and dynamic processes of rock avalanche occurrence in Chengkun railway, China, on August 14, 2019 |
Theme 6 | Luciano Picarelli | Universitテ della Campania | Italy | The effects of extreme precipitations on landslide hazard in the pyroclastic deposits of Campania Region |
Theme 6 | Marc Ostermann | Geological Survey of Austria | Austria | The Pineda Rockslide -Caracteristics of Vajontツエs elder brother |
Theme 6 | Marcelo Somos-Valenzuela | Universidad de La Frontera | Chile | Landslides triggered by hydroclimatological events in the Chilean Andes |
Theme 6 | Mark Reid | U.S. Geological Survey | USA | Landslide mobility promoted by basal liquefaction |
Theme 6 | Marte Gutierrez | Colorado School of Mines | USA | The Massive February 17, 2006, Leyte, Philippines, Rockslide |
Theme 6 | Michele Delchiaro | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | Quantitative investigation of a Mass Rock Creep deforming slope through A-Din SAR and geomorphometry |
Theme 6 | Nicholas Roberts | Mineral Resources Tasmania | Australia | Managing hazard and risk of landslide-generated waves in lakes |
Theme 6 | Nikola Chevyaga | Grad23 | Russia | Paragenetic landslide-mudflow process in the upper Belaya river (Caucasus, Russia) |
Theme 6 | PAULUS RAHARDJO | UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK PARAHYANGAN | Indonesia | Study on the Phenomena of Liquefaction Induced Massive Landslides in 28 September 2018 Palu-Donggala Earthquake |
Theme 6 | Prakash Chandra Ghimire | Institute of Engineering, Pulchwok Campus, Tribhuvan University | Nepal | Large Scale Landslide mechanism: A case study of Jure landslides in Nepal |
Theme 6 | Regine Morgenstern | GNS Science | New Zealand | Landslide dam hazards: assessing their formation, failure modes, longevity on the landscape and downstream debris impacts |
Theme 6 | Renato de Lima | CENACID-UFPR | Brazil | Understanding the landslides in the mega disasters of Santa Catarina (2008), Rio de Janeiro (2011) and Paranテ。 (2011)- Brazil |
Theme 6 | Reshad Md. Ekram Ali | Geological Survey of Bangladesh | Bangladesh | Influence of geology and geological structures in tiggering landslides, Bangladesh perspective. |
Theme 6 | Ruichen Chen | China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | China | Kinematic mechanism of a long runout landslide in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River |
Theme 6 | Salvatore Martino | University of Rome | Italy | Earthquake-triggered landslides and slope-seismic waves interaction |
Theme 6 | SARADA PRASAD PRADHAN | INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ROORKEE, INDIA | INDIA | Large scale landslide in mountainous region |
Theme 6 | Shenghua Cui | State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology | China | An updated initiation model for the earthquake induced Daguangbao landslide |
Theme 6 | Sreekumar Sankara Pillai | IRTC | India | Landslides 2018 in Kera,India,Lessons Learned |
Theme 6 | Swapna Acharjee | State Remote Sensing Application Centre, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Arunachal Pradesh | India | Landslide triggered by rainfall and landuse change: A case study of Laptap Landslide, Arunachal Pradesh, India |
Theme 6 | Thi Minh Hue Le | Norwegian Geotechnical Institute | Norway | Subsea landslide in quick clay |
Theme 6 | Tomas Panek | University of Ostrava | Czech Republic | Giant landslides in the foreland of Patagonian Andes: effects of deglaciation and drawdown of glacial lakes |
Theme 6 | Toshimi Mizuno | OYO Corporation | Japan | The evaluation of Deep seated catastrophic landslides (DCLs) on Kii Peninsula by means of the historical deformation |
Theme 6 | Ubydul Haque | University of North Texas Health Science Center | USA | Increasing deadly landslides worldwide 1995-2019: an update |
Theme 6 | Vinod K SHARMA | Geological Survey of India (Retd) | India | Catastrophic Landslides in Indian sector of Himalaya |
Theme 6 | Violchen Sepulveda | Universidad de Chile | Chile | Catastrophic landslide and subsequent tsunamis in Los Lagos District, Chile |
Theme 6 | Vit Vilimek | Charles University | Czech Republic | Landslides as triggers of GLOFs in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru |
Theme 6 | wei hu | Chengdu University of Technology | China | Superheated steam, hot CO2and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence |
Theme 6 | Xiaolin Fu | Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey | China | Study on deformation and formation mechanism of the deep-seated landslide triggered by human engineering activities: A case study of the Baiyangwan landslide in Wushan County, the Three Gorges Reservoir region, China |
Theme 6 | Xuanmei Fan | SKLGP, Chengdu University of Technology | China | The disaster chain effect of landslides after strong earthquakes |
Theme 6 | YunusAli Pulpadan | State Key Laboratory of GeoHazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Monitoring | China | Fluvial responses to large scale landslides |
Theme 6 | Susumu Nakamura | NIhon University | Japan | Risk assessment of structural damage for rock collision due to earthquake-induced landslide |
Theme 7 | Artem Khomutov | Earth Cryosphere Institute Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS | Russia | Mechanisms of cryogenic landslides and landforms under warming, Yamal, Russia |
Theme 7 | Bharat Prasad Bhandari | Tribhuvan University | Nepal | Landslide heterogeneity in the Siwalik zone of Nepal |
Theme 7 | Costanza Morino | Universite de Nantes | France | Different dynamics of permafrost degradation-induced landslides revealed by molards |
Theme 7 | Davide Bertolo | Regione Autonoma Valle d\’Aosta | Italy | Integrating PS-InSAR monitoring and local early warning systems in the Alps: form the regional to the local scale. The experience of a public service. |
Theme 7 | Elena Babkina | Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS | Russia | Response of slope process to permafrost warming in the North of West Siberia, Russia |
Theme 7 | Fawu Wang | Shimane University | Japan | A new model to describe rapid and long runout landslide motion |
Theme 7 | G. A. Chinthaka Ganepola | Asian Disaster Preparedness Center | Sri Lanka | Landslide Risk Management using Nature-based Solutions |
Theme 7 | Gabriel Paulin | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | Mexico | Assessing landslide volume for landform hazard zoning purposes |
Theme 7 | Gabriel Paulin | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico | Mexico | Modeling landslide volumes: A case study in Whatcom County, Washington, USA. |
Theme 7 | Giuseppe Cardile | Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria DICEAM | Italy | Key factors to define the design parameters of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures for landslide stabilisation |
Theme 7 | Guglielmo Grechi | University of Rome La Sapienza | Italy | Non-linear strain effects induced by temperature fluctuations on jointed rock masses |
Theme 7 | Guoyu Li | State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | Rock glacier degradation in Tianshan Moutains, China: a case study |
Theme 7 | Haleem Magsi | Karakoram International University | Pakistan | 1. Sesimotectonic Method In Evaluation Of Slope Stability 2. Seismotectonic Landslide Zoning in Northern Areas |
Theme 7 | Isakbek TORGOEV | Institute of Geomechanics and Mining of National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic | Kyrgyz Republic | Landslides in nival-glacial area of Kyrgyz Tien Shan |
Theme 7 | Jan Hradecky | University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science | Czech Republic | Long-term slope instability in Crimean Mountains 窶・dating of giant rockslides. |
Theme 7 | Jeffrey Coe | US Geological Survey | USA | Bellwether locations for identifying changes in landslide magnitude and frequency induced by climate change |
Theme 7 | Jose Chavez | OPAMSS | El Salvador | Slope behavior improvement of partially-saturated piroclasts in data-scarce regions |
Theme 7 | Junichi Koseki | University of Tokyo | Japan | Japanese case histories on use of geosynthetics in reconstructing failed slopes |
Theme 7 | Karel Silhan | University of Hradec Kralove | Czech Republic | Dendrogeomorphology of landslides: the use of tree rings for reconstruction of past landslide behaviour |
Theme 7 | Ken Ho | GEO | China | Enhancing resilience against impact of climate change on slope safety |
Theme 7 | Mario Valiante | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | A 4D object-oriented data model for landslides (LOOM): a first pilot application to the Cilento Geopark (Italy) |
Theme 7 | Marten Geertsema | Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development | Canada | Challenges with radiocarbon dating landslides |
Theme 7 | Martina Bohme | Geological Survey of Norway | Norway | Landscape development and large rock slope instabilities in Mandalen; Northern Norway |
Theme 7 | Md Aftabur Rahman | Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology | Bangladesh | Numerical simulation debris flow along curved channel |
Theme 7 | Michael Hendry | University of Alberta | Canada | Development of Active landslides and ground hazards into full-scale laboratories: outcomes and benefits |
Theme 7 | Michal Bil | CDV – Transport Research Centre | Czech Republic | A Prediction of Landslide Risks to Transportation Infrastructure in Czechia: An assessment based on climate scenarios and transport infrastructure planned development |
Theme 7 | Mihira Lakruwan | Tohoku University, Japan | Japan | Economizing the Soil Nailing Design by Drainage Improvement 窶・Case History at Ginigathhena |
Theme 7 | Mohamed Ayeldeen | Keller Grundbau GmbH | UAE | Landslides modelling and ground improvement |
Theme 7 | Mohammad Ibrahim Mazhar | IGIS NUST Pakistan | Pakistan | Landslide Susceptibility mapping through integration of GIS and Geotechnical approaches |
Theme 7 | Niels Hovius | GFZ German Centre for Geoscience Research | Germany | Causes of transient changes of landslide rates after earthquakes |
Theme 7 | Nobuyuki SHIBASAKI | NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. | JAPAN | Effects of seismic wave and S窶努ave propagation on the strain depth-profile in a landslide |
Theme 7 | Oded Katz | Geological Survey of Isreal | Israel | Submarine landslide hazard assessment and mapping |
Theme 7 | Oleg Zerkal | Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geological Department | Russia | Classification of Cryogenic Landslides and Related Phenomena (by Example of the Territory of Russia) |
Theme 7 | Paula Hilger | Western Norway University of Applied Sciences | Norway | How significant is inheritance when dating rockslide boulders with terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating? |
Theme 7 | Peter Bobrowsky | Geological Survey of Canada | Canada | Drone Technology and Landslide Hazards in British Columbia |
Theme 7 | Reginald Hermanns | Geological Survey of Norway | Norway | Systematic hazard and consequence analyses for large rock slope failures |
Theme 7 | Sabatino Cuomo | University of Salerno | Italy | MPM modelling of landslide-structure interaction |
Theme 7 | Sabatino Cuomo | GEG, University of Salerno | Italy | Advanced modelling of flow-like landslides interacting with structures |
Theme 7 | Sandro Moretti | University of Firenze | Italy | Large and small scale multi sensors remote sensing for landslide characterization and monitoring |
Theme 7 | Scott McDougall | University of British Columbia Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences | Canada | Drone-based LiDAR surveying of landslide deposits to characterize runout behaviour |
Theme 7 | Si Fan Zhang | School of engineering,harbin institute of technology | China | Formation Mechanism and Mitigative Measures of Frost Hazards encountered by Crude Oil Pipeline along the Slope in Daxing’anling Permafrost Region |
Theme 7 | Tonglu Li | Chang’an University | China | Water induced geodisasters in the Chinese Loess Plateau |
Theme 7 | Tristram Hales | Cardiff University | UK | Building resilience to post-earthquake debris flows |
Theme 7 | Vedran Damjanovic | RGNF Zagreb | Croatia | The use of new technologies for the advancement of engineering-geological mapping at an active landslide in the development phase in Gornje Jesenje |
Theme 7 | Vishnu Dangol | Nepal Landslide Society | Nepal | Geotechnical Investigation for Landslide Stabilization Works in Narayanghat-Mugling Rpad, Central Nepal |
Theme 7 | Wei Shan | Northeast Forestry University | China | Environmental and Engineering Geology Problems in Permafrost Degraded Areas of Lesser Khinggan under Climate Change |
Theme 7 | Wen-Chieh Cheng | Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology | China | Mobility Characteristics in Loess Landslide over Erodible Bed: Insights from Sandbox Experiment |
Theme 7 | Xingmin Meng | School of Earth Sciences, Lanzhou University | China | Landslide Hazards and Management in Beilong River Corridor, China |
Theme 7 | Xinyu Li | School of civil engineering, harbin institute of technology | china | Engineering geological environment of permafrost region in NE China under permafrost degradation |
Theme 7 | Xiwei Xu | Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration | China | Correlation between surface rupture-associated geological hazards and casualties related to the 2008 Wenchuan, China Mw7.9 earthquake |
Theme 7 | Yi Zhang | Lanzhou University | China | Geomorphology and movements of deep-seated landslide along active fault in the Bailong River basin |
Theme 7 | Ying Guo | Northeast Forestry University | China | The influence of landslide in permafrost area to the environment |
Theme 7 | Yoshinori Otani | Hirose Hokyodo & Co.,ltd. | Japan | Recent Development of the Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls with Geosynthetic Strap Reinforcements |
Theme 7 | Yoshitsugu Kimura | Toa Grout Kogyo Co., Ltd | Japan | Performance Verification of sediment capture by Flexible Barrier |
Theme 7 | Yu Zhao | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,CAS | China | FIB-SEM investigation of mineral composition and microstructure of slip surface |
Theme 8 | Aiguo Xing | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | China | Characteristic analysis of the Nayong rock avalanche based on the seismic signal |
Theme 8 | Akihiko Tadokoro | Shikoku Geotechnical Consultants Association , Kochi Branch | japan | The Workshop Program of disaster prevention learning for primary school children and junior high school students |
Theme 8 | Akihiro Miyagi | SABO&Landslide Technical Center | JAPAN | Relationship between Bamboo Rhizome and Surface failure |
Theme 8 | Akshay Pandey | Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee | India | Application of Web-GIS for Dissemination of Landslide Susceptibility information |
Theme 8 | Alessandro Leonardi | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | A multiscale paradigm for the simulation of debris flow and countermeasures |
Theme 8 | Alessandro Pasuto | Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection – National Research Council (IRPI-CNR) | Italy | Assessing Landslide Hazard along the Belt and Road |
Theme 8 | Alex Tang | L&T Consulting | Canada | Lessons Learned – Landslide Induced Lifelines Disasters From Past Earthquakes |
Theme 8 | Amin Askarinejad | TU Delft | Netherlands | Design of early warning systems based on lesson from physical modelling of landslides induced by rainfall |
Theme 8 | Bahaaeldin Sadagah | King Abdulaziz University | Saudi Arabia | Mitigation of slope stability |
Theme 8 | Candan Gokceoglu | Hacettepe University | Turkey | A new horizon in landslide researches based on CitSci Approach |
Theme 8 | Changbao Guo | Institute of Geomechanics, China Geological Survey | China | Reactivation mechanism of ancient landslide in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, China |
Theme 8 | Chaoying Zhao | Chang窶和n University | China | Landslide Dynamic Deformation Monitoring with Sequential Least Squares Based SAR/InSAR techniques |
Theme 8 | Chun-Hsing Ho | Northern Arizona University | USA | Oral |
Theme 8 | Daisuke Higaki | Hirosaki University | Japan | Low-cost sustainable measures against the hazards due to the gradually erosional process in Nepal |
Theme 8 | Daniele Giordan | CNR IRPI | Italy | Automatized dissemination of landslide monitoring bulletins for early warning applications |
Theme 8 | Denis Jongmans | Universite Grenoble Alpes | France | Geophysical monitoring of landslides: state-of-the art and recent advances |
Theme 8 | Dhanya Madhu | Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | India | Rainfall thresholds for landslide initiation |
Theme 8 | Elahe Jamalinia | Delft university of technology | Netherlands | Estimate safety of slopes by using observable data |
Theme 8 | Emir Ahmet Oguz | NTNU | Norway | Critical Appraisal of Machine Learning Methods for the Assessment of Slope Failure |
Theme 8 | Faraz Tehrani | Deltares | Netherlands | Global Landslide Detection using Random Forest Classifier and Optical Satellite Imagery |
Theme 8 | Fujun Niu | State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Science | China | Slope Failures in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau |
Theme 8 | Galip Usta | Trabzon University | Turkey | Emergency Aid in Disasters |
Theme 8 | Giovanna Capparelli | University of Calabria | Italy | Analysis of the behavior of pyroclastic soils, prone to instability, through a small scale landslide modelling |
Theme 8 | Giulia Bossi | CNR-IRPI, Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection | Italy | Machine learning techniques to characterize prior to collapse displacements of landslides |
Theme 8 | Haijun Qiu | Northwest University | China | Controls on landslide size: insights from field survey data |
Theme 8 | Haruki Ogasa | Japan International Cooperation Agency | Japan | JICA’s support in sediment disaster risk reduction |
Theme 8 | Hiroaki Kojima | OSASI Technos, Inc. | Japan | Case Studies of Installation of measuring instruments on overseas landslide countermeasures and their problems : examples of Sri Lanka and Honduras |
Theme 8 | Hirotaka Ochiai | Japan Forest Technology Association | Japan | Field landslide-initiation experiment in Chiba, Japan |
Theme 8 | Hong-Hu Zhu | Nanjing University | China | Multi-field monitoring of landslide using a distributed fiber optic sensing system |
Theme 8 | Huayong Chen | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS, 14AQEICQDXGR0JDV Chengdu 610041, China | China | Experimental study on formation and propagation of debris flow triggered by the Guangxieco glacial lake outburst flood |
Theme 8 | Ivan Depina | SINTEF | Norway | Machine learning models for rainfall-induced landslide predictions on local to regional scales |
Theme 8 | JamesMotVG JamesMotVG | Lithuania | drug testing policy | |
Theme 8 | Jana Eichel | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Geography and Geoecology | Germany | Biogeomorphic feedbacks between plants and mass movement processes in periglacial environments |
Theme 8 | Jim Whiteley | University of Bristol/British Geological Survey | UK | Recent advances in geophysical monitoring of moisture-induced landslides |
Theme 8 | JinHo Lee | Korean Association of Soil and Water Conservation | Korea, Rep. | Introduction of a Technique Developed for Examining Distribution of Land Creep Susceptible Zones in Korea |
Theme 8 | Josip Peranic | University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering | Croatia | Protection of cultural heritage site from rockfall occurrences |
Theme 8 | JUNG IL SEO | Korean Society of Forest Engineering | Korea, Rep. | Development of a Statistical Model to Assess the Potential Possibility of Land Creep in Korean Mountain Areas |
Theme 8 | Junji Kiyono | Kyoto University | Japan | Seismic performance of buried pipelines against large ground deformations associated with fault displacements |
Theme 8 | Kaoru Nakazato | Pacific Consultants Co.,LTD. Land Infrastructure Div.縲Geotechnical Engineering Dept. | Japan | Generating Landslide Hazard Map on 2015 Nepal Earthquake and Subsequent Training Activity |
Theme 8 | Kaoru Nakazato | Pacific consultants | Japan | Generating Landslide Hazard Map on 2015 Nepal Earthquake and Subsequent Training Activity |
Theme 8 | Katsumi Ebisawa | Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry | Japan | Current nuclear power plant risk assessment for seismic faulting |
Theme 8 | Katsunori Hattori | GODAI縲Development Corporation Limited | Japan | Landslide Simulation |
Theme 8 | Kazunori Hayashi | Okuyama Boring Co., Ltd. | Japan | Introduction of the Simplified drilling system for groundwater drainage works |
Theme 8 | Kazuo Konagai | International Consortium on Landslides | Japan | landslides in the recent earthquakes and damage to lifelines |
Theme 8 | Kazuya Yasuhara | Ibaraki University | Japan | Contribution of geotechnical engineering to IPCC |
Theme 8 | Kiyonobu Kasama | Tokyo Institute of Technology | Japan | Lessons from recent earthquake-induced Geo-disaster in Kyushu |
Theme 8 | Koichi Ikebe | The Japan Landslide Society Chubu Branch | Japan | The Workshop Program of disaster resilience education for primary school children and local residents the chubu region in Japan |
Theme 8 | Kwang-Ho Lee | Korea Forest Service | Korea, Rep. | Landslide Control Policy of Korea |
Theme 8 | Lal Dinpuia | Mizoram University (Pachhunga University College) | India | Slope instabilities analysis and monitoring of Aizawl landslides, Mizoram, Northeast India |
Theme 8 | Lidia Elizabeth Torres Bernhard | Instituto Hondureno de Ciencias de la Tierra UNAH | Honduras | AHP Method Applicated to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in pilot sites of Tegucigalpa |
Theme 8 | Lingjing LI | Institute of geomechanics, Chinese academy of geological sciences | China | Study on the deformation models and spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of landslides in Jinsha River based on InSAR technology |
Theme 8 | Louise Vick | UiT The Arctic University of Norway | Norway | Reactivated shear zones as the basal sliding surface for large rock slope deformations, northern Norway |
Theme 8 | Lu Zhang | Wuhan University | China | Challenges and opportunities in landslide hazards detection and disaster early warning with SAR/InSAR observations |
Theme 8 | Mahdi Motagh | GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences | Germany | Multi-sensor analysis of catastrophic landslides related to the 2019 extreme rainfall events in Iran |
Theme 8 | Man-Il Kim | National Forestry Cooperative Federation | Korea, Rep. | Stability analysis for cut-slope collapse by earthquake |
Theme 8 | Maria Marin Ceron | EAFIT University | Colombia | CRE dating of torrential alluvial deposits as an approximation of the Holocene climate-changes signatures in the Northwestern Colombian Andes |
Theme 8 | Martin Krkac | University of Zagreb – Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering | Croatia | Landslide movement prediction using Random Forests and Multiple Linear Regression |
Theme 8 | Martina Vivoda Prodan | Faculty of Civil Engineering | Croatia | Structural protection measures on deep seated landslides in Croatia |
Theme 8 | Masanori Tozawa | Kokusai Kougyo co., ltd. | Japan | Introduction of Preventive Measures in the Road Infrastructure Development of Tajikistan, in cooperation with a JICA Technical Project |
Theme 8 | masayuki ujihara | NITTOC CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD. | Japan | The Geofiber method – Protecting slopes with environment-conscious continuous fiber reinforced soil |
Theme 8 | Michiyo Nakashima | NIPPON KOEI | Japan | The Report on a landslide in Kyotango city,Kyoto prefecture |
Theme 8 | Motoyuki Suzuki | Yamaguchi University | Japan | Urgent issues and new suggestions of geo-disaster prevention in Japan |
Theme 8 | Mukteshwar Gobin | Kyushu University | Japan | Structural and non-structural countermeasures against landslides implemented in Mauritius with the assistance of the Government of Japan |
Theme 8 | Naoki Watanabe | Niigata University | Japan | Relationship between chemical weathering rate and landslide disaster – An example from the middle Hime river basin |
Theme 8 | Naoto Iwasa | Nippon Steel Metal Products CO.,Ltd. | Japan | Application on slope stabilization method aimed at environment and landscape conservation and its task |
Theme 8 | Noriko Ohnuma | Japan Conservation Engineers & CO.,LTD. | Japan | Process of Preparing Community Disaster Management Plan: Case Study of Communities on Ichinichi-Mae Project and CDMP that Have Experienced Recent Disaster |
Theme 8 | Noriyuki YASUFUKU | Kyushu University | Japan | Sesssion Objective: Risk and adaptation in geo-disaster vulnerable areas under recent severe earthquake |
Theme 8 | Peng Cui | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS | China | Mountain Disaster Risk Reduction along the Silk Roads |
Theme 8 | Pucai Yang | Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. | Japan | Identification of Debris Flow Hazards in Sri Lanka |
Theme 8 | Sangjun IM | Seoul National University | Korea, Rep. | Quantitative Evaluation of Erosion Contro Dam on Sediment Trapping Efficiency with a Simulation Approach |
Theme 8 | Satoshi Murakami | Fukuoka University | Japan | Lessons from recent geo-disasters due to extreme rainfall events in Kyushu district, Japan |
Theme 8 | Sebastian Uhlemann | Lawrence Berkeley National Lab | USA | Geophysical monitoring of landslides- A step closer towards predictive understanding? |
Theme 8 | Senro Kuraoka | Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. | Japan | Analysis of relationships between PGA and the inertial force that makes the slope fail during earthquake – Towards risk assessment and prevention of earthquake-induced landslides – |
Theme 8 | Shiguo Xiao | Southwest Jiaotong University | China | A calculation method for frame-type stabilizing piles in slope engineering |
Theme 8 | Shima Kawamura | Muroran Institute of Technology | Japan | Lessons from recent geo-disasters in Hokkaido under earthquake |
Theme 8 | Shunitsu Fujii | Fujii Consulting & Associates | Japan | An easy way to learning rainfall-induced disasters and its prevention using analog modeling |
Theme 8 | Sigurdur Mar Valsson | Statens vegvesen | Norway | Detection of highly sensitive clay layers using machine learning with CPTu data |
Theme 8 | Stavroula Fotopoulou | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki | Greece | Towards a probabilistic performance-based methodology for the vulnerability assessment of buildings subjected to seismically induced landslides |
Theme 8 | Sultan Kocaman | Hacettepe University | Turkey | The role of VGI in landslide inventory preparation |
Theme 8 | Suneth Neranjan | National Building Research Organisation | Sri Lanka | Adaptation of GPR Technique in Identification of Slip Surfaces of Landslides |
Theme 8 | Susumu Nakamura | College of Engineering, Nihon University | Japan | Risk assessment of structural damage for rock collision |
Theme 8 | Takeshi Kuwano | Kokusai Kogyo | Japan | Slope disaster and countermeasures in Honduras |
Theme 8 | Tao Wang | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | Comparison of Relationship between Debris-flow Volume and Peak Discharge in Different Regions |
Theme 8 | Tara Nidhi Bhattarai | Tribhuvan University | Nepal | Reconstructions strategies for landslide-affected settlements |
Theme 8 | Tatsuya Ishikawa | Hokkaido University | Japan | Lessons from recent geo-disasters in Hokkaido under heavy rainfall |
Theme 8 | Tempa Thinley | Department of Road, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement | Bhutan | JICA Technical Cooperation Project in Bhutan |
Theme 8 | Toko Takayama | Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd. | Japan | Landslide interpretation and evaluation based on precise visualization method using high resolution geospatial data |
Theme 8 | Tomoharu Iwasaki | KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD | Japan | Technical cooperation project: Landslide adviser for Mauritius |
Theme 8 | Tomoya Hayakawa | Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. | Japan | The Large Landslide Dam in Hidakahoronai, Hokkaido |
Theme 8 | Vassilis Marinos | National Technical University of Athens | Greece | Engineering geological appreciation in landslide mapping for a natural gas pipeline project: challenges and risk reduction measures |
Theme 8 | Vedran Jagodnik | Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka | Croatia | Preliminary results of a small scale landslide triggering |
Theme 8 | Vickie Kong | Geotechnical Engineering Office | Hong Kong SAR, China | Territory-wide rainfall landslides prediction using Machine Learning Algorithm |
Theme 8 | Vladimir Greif | Dept. of Engineering Geology, Faculty of NAtural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava | Slovakia | Rockfall mitigation at selected sites in Slovakia |
Theme 8 | Wataru Sagara | SABO & LANDSLIDE TECHNICAL CENTER | JAPAN | Relationship between water quality and ground condition of earthquake-induced landslide areas in a mountain watershed |
Theme 8 | Wataru TAKESHITA | Public Works Research Institute(PWRI) | JAPAN | Use of UAV-SfM point cloud for emergency response to landslide disasters |
Theme 8 | Weile Li | Chengdu University of Technology | China | Precursor of large rockslides and its application on landslide early detection |
Theme 8 | Xi Xiong | Nagoya Institute of Technology | Japan | Investigation on unsaturated slope stability influenced by rainfall and fluctuation of reservoir water level with varied rainfall infiltration rates |
Theme 8 | YAMASHITA YUICHI | Technico Ltd. | Japan | Daily education for disaster risk reduction and victim support in disaster |
Theme 8 | Yan Yan | Southwest Jiaotong University | China | Reconstruction of Landslide Process by Broadband Seismic Network in China |
Theme 8 | Yao Jiang | Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | The acoustic emission characteristics and shear behaviour during granular shearing |
Theme 8 | Yasunori Katsume | OYO CORPORATION | Japan | 3-dimensional shape of mountainous landslide and the ground deformation caused by snow melting. |
Theme 8 | Yifei Cui | Tsinghua University | China | Investigation of internal erosion of wide grading loose soil 窶・a micromechanics-based study |
Theme 8 | Yoji Kasahara | Japan Conservation Engineers & Co., LTD. | Japan | Road slope disaster countermeasures in Sri Lanka |
Theme 8 | YongSu Kim | NPO Sediment Disaster Prevention Publicity Center | Japan | A STUDY FOR IMPROVING DISASTER PREVENTION OF COMMUNITY |
Theme 8 | Yoshinori ITO | Kowa Co.,Ltd. | Japan | Prediction of the groundwater level fluctuation in landslide area using genetic algorithm |
Theme 8 | Yu Zhuang | Shanghai Jiao Tong University | China | Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) based subsurface investigation of two long runout landslides in Guizhou, China |
Theme 8 | Yusuke Koyama | Japan Broadcasting Corporation | Japan | Disaster risk coverage of TV media for citizens |
Theme 8 | Zeljko Arbanas | University of Rijeka | Croatia | Small Scale Landslide Modelling, A Review |
Theme 8 | Zhenhong Li | Newcastle University / Chang’an University | UK | Rapid landslide detection over wide regions with GACOS and OTL based InSAR analysis |
Theme 8 | Zhong Lu | Southern Methodist University | USA | Study of hydrology-driven landslide hazards in Northwestern USA using InSAR and other satellite and in-situ observations |
Theme 8 | Zhongqiang Liu | Norwegian Geotechnical Institute | Norway | Landslide displacement prediction using deep learning methods |