List of Preliminary Registered Speakers

List of 633 Preliminary Registered Speakers
(as of 01 February 2021)

Theme 1 Akira Doi Japan Bosai Platform Japan Challenging the disaster prevention business with the policy “Investment before disaster will save your community and economy”
Theme 1 Alexander Strom “Geodynamics Research Center – branch of JSC “”Hydroproject Institute””” Russia WCoE: Central Asia Rockslide Inventory. Compilation and Analysis
Theme 1 Alexandra Rocio Urgilez Vinueza Delft University of Technology Netherlands Understanding and quantifying landslide mechanisms in Ecuadorian Andes
Theme 1 Andres Felipe Alonso Rodriguez State Key Laboratory for Geohazard Prevention and Geoenviorment Protection China Role of Near Fault Ground motion pulse traits in Landaslide Hazards
Theme 1 Bastian van den Bout Twente University Netherlands Impact of multi-hazard interactions on risk assessment
Theme 1 Bihong Fu Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Monitoring and Assessment of Landslides related to 2017 Large Earthquake and Their Influences on Heritage Sites in Jiuzhaigou UNESCO Heritage Using the Remote Sensing Technology
Theme 1 Biljana Abolmasov University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Serbia Results of recent monitoring activities on landslide Umka, Belgrade, Serbia – IPL 181
Theme 1 Brian Collins U.S. Geological Survey USA Progress and lessons learned from responses to catastrophic landslides
Theme 1 Changdong Li Faculty of Engineering China Temporal-spatial distribution and historical evolution characteristics of landslides based on series of rainfall data and satellite images in Zigui basin, Three Gorges Reservoir area, China
Theme 1 Claudio Margottini Embassy of Italy in Egypt Egypt Landslide risk analysis and mitigation strategies for the ancient monasteries of Caucasus
Theme 1 Daniele Spizzichino ISPRA Italy Overview of landslides assessment of World Heritage Sites
Theme 1 David Tappin British Geological Survey UK The continuing underestimated tsunami hazard from submarine landslides
Theme 1 Denis Gorobtsov RSGPU Russia Landslides threatening russian culture heritage objects
Theme 1 Duc Do Minh Hanoi University of Science Vietnam Analysis and modeling of a landslide-induced tsunami-like wave across the Truong river in Quang Nam province, Vietnam
Theme 1 Dwikorita Karnawati Indonesian Meteorological climatological and Geophyisic Agency (BMKG) Indonesia Landslide Induced Flows and Liquifactionin Palu
Theme 1 Dwikorita Karnawati Indonesian Meteorological climatological and Geophyisic Agency (BMKG) Indonesia The Rool and Challenge of National Agency for Meteoology, Climatology, and Geophysic of Indonesian Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction 2) Landslide Capacity development for Mellenial Groups
Theme 1 Finn Lovholt NGI Norway Tsunami uncertainty due to landslide dynamics
Theme 1 Francesco Bregoli IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Water Science and Engineering Department Netherlands On the energy transfer from 3D granular landslide to water body explained by an experimentally-based numerical model
Theme 1 Giuseppe Esposito CNR-IRPI Italy Landslide hazard and risk assessment for civil protection early response
Theme 1 Guan-Yu Chen National Sun Yat-sen University Chinese Taipei Application of Reciprocal Green?鈺・Function on the Forecast of Submarine Landslide Tsunami
Theme 1 Hai Tan Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design and Research China Numerical modeling of landslide-tsunamis based on a coupled DEM-SPH model
Theme 1 Hermann Fritz Georgia Institute of Technology USA From granular landslide generated tsunamis in the laboratory to recent landslide events
Theme 1 Jan Blahut Czech Academy of Sciences, IRSM Czech Republic History of San Andres megalandslide and its tsunamigenic potential
Theme 1 Jia-wen Zhou Sichuan University China Landslide-generated surge in the hydropower reservior at the Southwest China
Theme 1 Junji Miyamoto Toyo Construction Japan Submarine landslide study in a drum centrifuge
Theme 1 Kazuki Murata National Research and Development Agency, Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI) Japan Tsunami disaster caused by submarine landslide of the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake
Theme 1 Ken Ikehara Geological Survey of Japan, AIST Japan Extreme event deposit related to the upper slope failure in the Japan Trench floor
Theme 1 Kiichiro Kawamura Yamaguchi University Japan Episodic turbidity currents on a deep窶都ea terrace in the Japan Trench
Theme 1 Kiyoharu HIROTA KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD/(ICL) Japan Slope stability around the northern part of the Tegucigalpa Basin, Honduras: A case of landslide process of at a residential development area.
Theme 1 Kyoji SASSA ICL Japan Simulation of Tsunami waves induced by coastal and submarine landslides in Japan
Theme 1 Leonardo Cascini University of Salerno Italy LARAM School: an ongoing experience
Theme 1 Lili Xiao Chang’an University China The theory, validation and application of Tsunami Squares simulation approach to landslide generated waves
Theme 1 Lorenzo Solari University of Firenze, Department of Earth Sciences Italy Regional scale landslide monitoring based on Sentinel-1 data
Theme 1 Matjaz Mikos University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering Slovenia Landslides in Weathered Flysch: From Activation to Deposition (WCoE 2017-2020)
Theme 1 Nicola Casagli University of Florence Italy Advanced technologies for landslides
Theme 1 NUNZIO LUCIANO FAZIO CNR-IRPI Italy Three-Dimensional numerical modelling of slow moving landslides
Theme 1 Qunli Han Integrated Research on Disaster Risk China Integrating DRR into the conservation and management mechanisms of the internationally designated sites – View of IRDR on the basis of Huangshan Dialogue 2018
Theme 1 Saeedeh Yavari Ramsheh California State University, Fullerton USA Tsunami events of the Indian Ocean – role of landslides
Theme 1 Satoru Nishikawa Nagoya University, Disaster Mitigation Research Center Japan Ichi-Nichi-Mae (The Day before the Disaster) Project for Landslide Awareness and Risk Communication
Theme 1 Shengnan Wu Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Practices of Public Participation Early Warning System for Geological Hazards in China
Theme 1 Shinji Sassa Port and Airport Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology Japan Session Coordinator
Theme 1 Shu-Kun Hsu Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University, Taiwan Chinese Taipei Flank failure of the volcanic Turtle Island and the submarine landslide in the southernmost Okinawa Trough
Theme 1 Snjezana Mihalic Arbanas University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Croatia Landslide Risk Reduction in Croatia: Scientific research in the framework of the WCoE 2017-2020, IPL 219, IPL 220, ICL ABN
Theme 1 Stefano Morelli Department of Earth Sciences Italy Reconstruction of the slope instability conditions before the 2016 failure in an urbanized district of Florence (Italy), a UNESCO World Heritage Site
Theme 1 Stefano Utili Newcastle University UK Landslide Geometry and Activity in Villa de la Independencia (Bolivia) Revealed by InSAR and Seismic Noise Measurements
Theme 1 Stephan Grilli University of Rhode Island USA Tsunami generation by Volcanic flank collapse: Case study of Anak Krakatau
Theme 1 Taro Kakinuma Kagoshima University Japan Numerical simulation for tsunami generation due to a landslide
Theme 1 Tommaso Carla University of Florence Italy An innovative monitoring technique for the management of rockfall hazard along transportation corridors in alpine regions
Theme 1 Tso-Ren Wu National Central University Chinese Taipei Three-Dimensional Simulation on the Rockslide and Mudslide Generated Tsunamis
Theme 1 Uri ten Brink USGS USA Using statistics to understand submarine landslide processes and hazard
Theme 1 Valentin Heller University of Nottingham UK Landslide-tsunami propagation in different water body geometries
Theme 1 Viacheslav Gusiakov Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics Russia December 11, 2018 landslide and
Theme 1 Wahyu Widiyanto National Cheng Kung University Chinese Taipei Post-event field surveys of 2018 tsunami in Palu Bay and Sunda Strait
Theme 1 William Frodella University of Florence Italy The use of InfraRed Thermography (IRT) for the protection and conservation of rupestrian CH sites affected by slope instabilities
Theme 1 Xu Tang IRDR China Collaboration in Multi-hazard Early Warnings through an Integrated Way
Theme 1 Yuka Makino FAO Italy Resilient Watershed Management: Landscape Approach to Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction
Theme 1 Zeljko Arbanas University of Rijeka Croatia Landslides, The journal of International Consortium on Landslides
Theme 2 Hiromitsu Yamagishi HRCG (Hokkaido Research Center of Geology) Japan Landslides Triggered by the September 6th 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake -Topographic and Geologic GIS-LP Analyses-
Theme 2 Abdelaziz Merghadi Larbi Tebessi University Algeria A practical Guide Towards Automating Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Machine Learning: Case Study of Mila Bassin.
Theme 2 Abdikani mohamed Jeylani Minister of humanitarian and disaster management Somalia Hazard Mapping and assessment
Theme 2 Adolfo Quesada-Roman University of Geneva/University of Costa Rica Switzerland Landslide hazard and dynamics in Costa Rica
Theme 2 Ali Uromeihy Tarbiat Modares University Iran The use of LR, MLP and RBF methods in predicting rockfalls occurence induced by earthquake
Theme 2 Anatoly Ischuk Institute of Geology, Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Tajikistan Tajikistan Landslide Susceptibility Under Strong Earthquakes in the Mountainous Areas of Tajikistan
Theme 2 Anika Braun Institute of Applied Geosciences, Technische Universitテ、t Berlin Germany Overcoming data scarcity related issues for landslide susceptibility modeling with machine learning tools
Theme 2 Antonio Abellan Rock Mechanics, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. Institute of Applied Geosciences, University of Leeds UK Spatial aspects of the long-term evolution of rock slopes: using ice calving as proxy for investigating rock slope failures.
Theme 2 Athauda Arachchige Virajh Dias Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau Sri Lanka 1) Lessons learned on Stability vs Failure of Road Cut Slopes
Theme 2 Aykut Akgun Karadeniz Technical University Turkey The Topographic and Hillslope Material Characteristics of Landslide Size Distributions in Cretaceous窶摘ocene Flysch Assemblages of West Part of Black Sea Region (Turkey)
Theme 2 Azemeraw Wubalem University of Gondar Ethiopia Modeling of Landslide Susceptibility in a Part of Abay Basin, Northwestern Ethiopia based on Bivariate and Multivariate Statistical Methods
Theme 2 Basanta Raj Adhikari Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University Nepal Landslide hazards in the Sino-Nepal road corridors
Theme 2 Ben Leshchinsky Oregon State University USA Regional Landslide Susceptibility based on Landslide Inventories and Lidar
Theme 2 Benjamin Mirus U.S. Geological Survey USA Assessing landslide susceptibility and occurrence across the United States
Theme 2 Biswajeet Pradhan University of Technology Sydney Australia Some technical misconceptions in spatial landslide hazard modelling
Theme 2 Bruce Malamud Kings College London UK Spatial and Temporal modelling of triggered landslide event populations: Review of where we are at
Theme 2 Christian Arnhardt British Geological Survey UK An expert-based Landslide susceptibility assessment on city scale level with limited data – an example from Kuala Lumpur City
Theme 2 Cigdem Tetik Bicer Turkey Ministry Of Interior Disaster And Emergency Management Presidency TURKEY Landslide Hazard and Risk Assesment
Theme 2 Dalia Kirschbaum NASA USA Multi-scale landslide hazard assessment using remote sensing data
Theme 2 DARIO PEDUTO University of Salerno Italy Innovative techniques and procedures for slow-moving landslide consequence forecasting
Theme 2 Dieu Tien Bui University of South-Eastern Norway Norway Advanced Machine Learning and Deep Learning for spatial prediction of landslide hazards
Theme 2 Dirk Kuhn Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources Germany Forkastningsfjellet rock slide, Spitsbergen: State of activity in a changing climate
Theme 2 Domenico Calcaterra Federico II University of Napoli, Italy Italy Landslide susceptibility assessment by ensemble-based machine learning models
Theme 2 Droupti Yadav CSJM University Kanpur, U.P., India India Landslide Hazard Zonation Mapping of the Himalayan Region: A case study of Uttarakhand Himalaya, India
Theme 2 Dymphna Javier University of the Philippines Baguio Philippines Landslide triggering rainfall and landslide susceptibility estimation in northern Philippines
Theme 2 Edier Aristizabal National University of Colombvia Colombia Rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility assessment in mountainous and tropical scarse-data region of the Colombian Andes
Theme 2 Elias Garcia-Urquia Civil Engineering Department, National Autonomous University of Honduras Honduras How much does the lack of rainfall and landslide data affect the performance of rainfall thresholds for early warning systems?
Theme 2 Farida Boulaghmen University of Amar Telidji Laghouat Algeria Identification and multidisciplinary Diagnostic of Flood Risk Management in Algeria case of four Wilayas
Theme 2 Farrokh Nadim NGI Norway Theoretical framework for estimating the annual probability of occurrence of landslides
Theme 2 Ferdaus Ahmad Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia Malaysia Slope Hazard and Risk Mapping (PBRC) – A Disaster Risk Reduction Initiative
Theme 2 George Gaprindashvili National Environmental Agency, Department of Geology Georgia Geological Hazard (Landslide, Debris/Mudflow, Rockfall et. al) zoning map of Tbilisi city (Georgia)
Theme 2 Gerardo Herrera The Geological Surveys of Europe Spain Landslide impact in Europe. A review by the Geological Surveys.
Theme 2 Hans-Balder Havenith University of Liege Belgium 3D landslide models in VR
Theme 2 HIROSHI YAGI Yamagata University Japan Susceptibility evaluation of slope deformations using optical and radar satellite images
Theme 2 Jafar Hassanpour University of Tehran Iran Rainfall induced landslide in Mazandaran province, Iran
Theme 2 Jewgenij Torizin Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) Germany Practical accounting for uncertainties in data-driven landslide susceptibility models. Examples from the Lanzhou case study.
Theme 2 Jiaying Li Central South University China Spatiotemporal Assessment of Geological Hazard Safety along Railway Engineering using a Novel Method: A Case Study of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, China
Theme 2 Jie Dou The University of Tokyo Japan Evaluating Ensemble Machine Learning for Landslide assessment in a Mountainous Watershed
Theme 2 John Dehls Geological Survey of Norway Norway Mapping landslides at a nationwide scale using InSAR: the Norwegian Ground Motion Service
Theme 2 Johnny Vega Universidad de Medellin Colombia Evaluation of the effect of deforestation on slope stability using remote sensing products and dendrometric models
Theme 2 Jong Kim Nazarbayev University Kazakhstan Detection and characterization of landslides using satellite remote sensing technologies: A case study for Kazakhstan
Theme 2 Jorge Antonio Paz Tenorio Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas Mexico Cartography of susceptibility to landslides and analysis of vulnerabilities
Theme 2 Judith Uwihirwe Delft University of Technology Netherlands Understanding landslide occurrence and distribution in North-western Rwanda
Theme 2 Jung-Hsuan (Rosana) Lin University of Tsukuba Japan Weathering of Serpentinite in Relation to Landslide Types in Yahata Landslide, Japan
Theme 2 Kamila Pawluszek-Filipiak WrocナBw University of Environmental and life sciences Poland Opportunities and challenges of the object-oriented automatic landslide detection from the high resolution Digital Elevation Model
Theme 2 Kana Nakatani Kyoto University, Graduate School of Agriculture Japan Applying debris flow simulation for considering detail hazard risk and mapping
Theme 2 Kifle Woldearegay Woldemariam Mekelle University Ethiopia Landslides in developing countries; the case of Ethiopia
Theme 2 Kuntala Bhusan North Eastern Space Applications Centre India Landslide scenario in North East India and associated challenges
Theme 2 Laurie Kurilla University of Torino, Dept. of Earth Sciences Italy Global debris flow susceptibility, current and future human impact, based on climate and urbanization trends
Theme 2 Laurie Kurilla University of Torino, Dept. of Earth Sciences Italy Global susceptibility of debris flows and spatial accuracy
Theme 2 Lea Tien Tay Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia Landslide Hazard Mapping of Penang Island Malaysia using deep learning
Theme 2 Loi Doan Huy International Consortium on Landslides/ Institute of Transport Science and Technology Japan The adverse effects of urbanization in the 2014.8.20 debris slide-debris flow disasters in Hiroshima, Japan
Theme 2 Luis Angel Jimenez Lopez CIIEMAD IPN MEXICO Study of the geological hazard due to landslides in the Motozintla basin, Chiapas, Mexico.
Theme 2 Maria Papathoma-Kohle University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute for Mountain Risk Engineering Austria Physical vulnerability of buildings to debris flow-state of the art and future challenges
Theme 2 Mario Reyes Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales El Salvador Landslide susceptibility mapping in El Salvador using multivariate adaptive regression splines
Theme 2 Masahiro Shinoda National Defense Academy Japan Regional landslide susceptibility following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake using back-calculated geomaterial strength parameters
Theme 2 Meei-Ling Lin Dept. of Civil Engrg., National Taiwan University Chinese Taipei Potential Analysis of Deep-seated Landslides Caused by Typhoon Morakot
Theme 2 Menal Zaheer National Engineering Services Pakistan Pakistan Landslide Susceptibility Mapping and Zonation of Murree Area, Pakistan
Theme 2 Merghadi Abdelaziz Larbi Tebessi University Algeria A practical Guide Towards Automating Landslide Susceptibility Mapping using Machine Learning: Case Study of Mila Basin
Theme 2 Michel Jaboyedoff ISTE-University of Lausanne Switzerland The long term landslides history or the mass movements shaping landscapes
Theme 2 Michele Calvello University of Salerno Italy Real-time landslide hazard assessment for regional warning
Theme 2 Michio Ishigaki OYO Corporation Japan The extraction of prediction in the surrounding of Yabakei Landslide by SqueeSARツョ and RMT
Theme 2 Mike Winter TRL UK Quantitative Risk Assessment of Potential Fatalities Amongst Road Users from Debris Flow Events
Theme 2 Mio Kasai Hokkaido University Japan Spotting active landslide mass with surface roughness index
Theme 2 Mohamed Rouai Moulay Ismail University of Meknes Morocco Slope Stability and Landslide Hazard in Volubilis Archaeological Site (Morocco)
Theme 2 Mohd Farid Abdul Kadir Department of Mineral and Geoscience Malaysia Malaysia Risk-Informed Land Use Planning for Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction
Theme 2 Mohd Khairolden Ghani Construction Research Institute of Malaysia Malaysia Landslide Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Analysis for Critical Infrastructure in Malaysia
Theme 2 Munawar Munawar BMKG Indonesia Rainfall Induced Landslide Threshold Distribution in West Java Province
Theme 2 Nick Rosser Durham University UK Assessing the evolution of post-earthquake landslide hazard: the legacy of the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
Theme 2 Olga Barykina Lomonosov Moscow State University Russia Geological conditions of landslide activity on Vorobyovy Gory (Moscow, Russia)
Theme 2 Olivier Dewitte Royal Museum for Central Africa Belgium Landslide timing in a data-scarce tropical environment: from recent to very old processes in the Kivu Rift
Theme 2 Oscar Rolando Elvir Ferman Instituto Hondureno De Ciencias De La Tierra-Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Honduras Honduras The importance of understanding landslides in Honduras a case of study:Analisys of susceptibility to landslides in municipality of Ajuterique, Honduras
Theme 2 Pantaleone De Vita Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse – Universitテ di Napoli Federico II Italy Control of soil thickness spatial variability on the initiation of rainfall-induced shallow landslides
Theme 2 Paola Reichenbach CNR-IRPI Italy A review of statistically-based landslide susceptibility models
Theme 2 Paola Salvati CNR-IRPI Italy People vulnerability to landslide: risky behaviour or fatality?
Theme 2 Paolo Tarolli University of Padova Italy Landslides in steep-slope agricultural landscapes
Theme 2 Pasquale Versace University of Calabria Italy EVIL model: a method for vulnerability and risk assesment of the people
Theme 2 Paulo Silva Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia Zonficacion Susceptibilidad cuenca Bogota
Theme 2 Perla Rodriguez Contreras CIIEMAD IPN Mexico Characterization of the Geological Hazardtin Volcanic Domos (Colli and Tajo) Located in the West of the Metropolitan Area of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
Theme 2 Petra Domlija University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering Croatia Identification and mapping of shallow landslides in gullied topography
Theme 2 Phil Mourot Waikato Regional Council / GEO-ID New Zealand Geological hazards in geothermal areas: Impact on Maori cultural heritage
Theme 2 Piyoosh Rautela Disaster Mitigation and Management Centre India Landslides in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand and development challenges
Theme 2 Praveen Kumar Rai Amity University, Noida India Remote Sensing and GIS based study of Landslide Mapping and Monitoring in Garwal Himalaya, India
Theme 2 Rafal Sikora Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute Poland Various aspects of landslides zonation in the Sudetes (SW Poland) – regional scale analysis, susceptibility map and key to risk assessment.
Theme 2 Rajib Kumar Saha Geological Survey of Bangladesh Bangladesh Landslide hazards of Thanchi-Alikadam Upazila, Bandarban Hill District, Bangladesh
Theme 2 Rex Baum U. S. Geological Survey USA Quantifying and reducing uncertainty in assessments of rainfall-induced landslides
Theme 2 Richard Guthrie Stantec Canada Refining Landslide Runout Threats Using a New, Agent-Based, Landslide Runout Model
Theme 2 Roger Ruiz-Carulla Technical University of Catalonia Spain Fractal Fragmentation Model for Rockfalls
Theme 2 Samuele Segoni University of Florence Italy Landslide susceptibility assessment in complex geological settings: sensitivity to geological information and insights on its parameterization
Theme 2 Sanja Bernat Gazibara Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Croatia Automated landslide mapping using LiDAR for landslide susceptibility assessment
Theme 2 Senem Tekin Cukurova University Turkey Landslide Hazard Assessments In Goksu River Watershed (Southern Turkey)
Theme 2 Sergio Sepulveda Universidad de OHiggins Chile Landslide vulnerability changes and migration in Antofagasta, Northern Chile
Theme 2 Settimio Ferlisi Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno Italy Consequence scenarios in urban areas exposed to rainfall-induced slope instabilities
Theme 2 Shahram Nasiri The University of Queensland Australia Concerns over reliable earthquake-induced landslide hazard assessment: Developing sophisticated geotechnical databases and 3D landslide inventories
Theme 2 Shantanu Sarkar CENTRAL BUILDING RESEARCH INSTITUTE India Engineering Geological Investigation and Slope Stability Analysis for Landslide Hazard Assessment in Indian Himalayas
Theme 2 Sharad Kumar Gupta Indian Institute of Technology Mandi India An Ordinal Scale Weighting Approach for Susceptibility Mapping Around Tehri Dam, Uttarakhand, India
Theme 2 Shoji Doshida National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster, Japan Japan Evaluation of secondary landslide susceptibility at the moment of the first response
Theme 2 Shou Hao Chiang National Central University Chinese Taipei Applying Multi-temporal Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery for Event Landslides Detection
Theme 2 Stefan Steger Eurac Research Italy A spatial statistical analysis of inventoried slide-type movements for South Tyrol (Italy)
Theme 2 Stratis KARANTANELLIS Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Geology Greece Object-based landslide hazard detection using machine learning
Theme 2 SUNIL KUMAR DE NORTH-EASTERN HILL UNIVERSITY India Landslide Hazard Zonation of North Sikkim Himalayas, India
Theme 2 Tapas Martha National Remote Sensing Centre India Geospatial landslide inventory database of India for decision makers
Theme 2 Thanh Nguyen Kim Institute of Transport Science and Technology, Vietnam Vietnam Developing landslide recognition and simple mapping by UAV for local resident in mountainous area in Vietnam
Theme 2 Thomas Glade University of Vienna AUSTRIA A national landslide susceptibility assessment in Austria
Theme 2 Tien Pham Institute of Transport Science and Technology Vietnam Landslides along Halong-Vandon Expressway in Quang Ninh province, Vietnam
Theme 2 Timotej Verbovsek University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering Slovenia Maximum Likelihood Classification method for detection of litho-geomorphological units in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia
Theme 2 Tomas Kroczek Charles University, Faculty of Science, Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology Czech Republic Natural Hazards of Lake Imja, Nepal: susceptibility to outburst
Theme 2 Tomislav Popit University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Geology Slovenia Roughness analysis of fossil landslide surfaces in the Vipava Valley, SW Slovenia
Theme 2 Toyohiko MIYAGI Advantechnology Co., Ltd Japan Fundamentals of slope disaste risk reduction mapping for local residents in Japan and Vietnam
Theme 2 Toyohiko MIYAGI Tohoku-Gakuin University Japan Hazard and vulnerability mapping for local resident in Vietnam and Japan
Theme 2 Txomin Bornaetxea University of the Basque Country Spain The Effective Surveyed Area. Uncertainty reduction in field work based landslide inventories.
Theme 2 Ursula Guerra Fundacao GEO-RIO Brazil PhD Student
Theme 2 Vanessa Cuervo BGC Engineering Inc., University of Waterloo Canada Tailings Dam Failure Hazard Assessment
Theme 2 Victor Carvalho Cabral Universidade Estadual Paulista Brazil Assessment of landslide susceptibility using SHALSTAB and SINMAP at Serra do Mar, Brazil
Theme 2 Vikram Gupta Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology India Active tectonics and the distribution of landslides along the Indian Himalayan river valleys
Theme 2 Vishal Mishra Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee India Monitoring of Reservoir Induced Landslides in Uttarakhand Himalayas using Radar Remote Sensing
Theme 2 WeiDong Wang School of Civil Engineering of Central South University China Geological Hazard Assessment of Railway Engineering: A Case Study of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway, China
Theme 2 Wentao Yang Beijing Forestry University China Landslide surface recovery after major earthquakes around the globe
Theme 2 William Schulz United States Geological Survey USA Use of InSAR at multiple spatial and temporal scales to reveal landsliding mechanisms
Theme 2 Yanto Yanto Jenderal Soedirman University Indonesia Introduction to SLIDE, A Large Scale Landslide Prone Area Model
Theme 2 Yasser ELSHAYEB Cairo University Egypt Zone Risk Maps in greater Cairo region and areas of high cultural value
Theme 2 Younus Ahmed Khan University of Rajshahi Bangladesh Landslide hazard and risk map of Chottogram hill Districts
Theme 2 Yuji HASEGAWA Hiroshima University Japan Debris flows occurred in Hiroshima due to 2018 July heavy rain and proposing detail hazard mapping
Theme 2 Yusrin Faiz Abd Wahab Construction Research Institute of Malaysia Malaysia Landslide Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Analysis for Critical Infrastructure in Malaysia
Theme 2 Zefanya Putra Pertamina University Indonesia Landslide Hazard Identification through Remote Sensing
Theme 2 Zheng Han Central South University China Application of Deep Learning Technology for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study in Sichuan Province, China
Theme 2 Zuhairi Abd Hamid Construction Research Institute of Malaysia Malaysia Landslide Vulnerability Assessment and Risk Analysis for Critical Infrastructure in Malaysia
Theme 3 Adriaan van Natijne Delft University of Technology Netherlands Machine Learning for Local and Regional Nowcasting of Deep-seated Landslides
Theme 3 Adrian Wicki Federal Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Switzerland The value of soil wetness measurements for regional landslide Early Warning Systems
Theme 3 Agie Wandala Putra Agency for Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics of Republic of Indonesia (BMKG) Indonesia The Efficient Early Warning with South East-Asia Oceania Flash Flood Guidance System (SAOFFGS)
Theme 3 Agus Setyo Muntohar Univeritas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Indonesia Development of Landslide Early Warning System based on the Rainfall Threshold in Indonesia
Theme 3 Andrea Carri ASE S.r.l. Italy Remote geotechnical monitoring in the IoT era
Theme 3 Andrea Segalini Universitテ di Parma Italy Definition and application of a new multi-criteria algorithm to identify the landslide acceleration phase
Theme 3 Anna Barra CTTC Spain Sentinel-1 landslides detection: the Granada coast
Theme 3 Anna Scolobig University of Geneva Switzerland Landslide warning communication: challenges and prospects
Theme 3 Anshu Ogra King’s College London UK Institutional Structure for Landslide Early Warning System in India
Theme 3 Antoinette Tordesillas University of Melbourne Australia Enhancing AI with physics and micromechanics of granular failure in forecasting landslides
Theme 3 Bapon Fakhruddin Tonkin and Taylor New Zealand Multi-hazards impact based early warning system
Theme 3 Brenda Rosser GNS Science New Zealand Development of a rainfall-induced landslide forecast tool for New Zealand
Theme 3 Catherine Pennington British Geological Survey UK Preliminary results from data-driven IoT landslide monitoring systems in the UK
Theme 3 Chih-Chung Chung National Central University Chinese Taipei The Development of TDR-integrated landslide Early Warning System
Theme 3 Chun-Fan CHANG Department of Animal Science, Chinese Culture University Chinese Taipei Relational Application with Profiling Potentials of Alike Land Displacement Strain and Soil Liquidity Stress
Theme 3 claudia Meisina University of Pavia Italy Hydrological model for predicting shallow landslides with the integration of satellite soil moisture and rainfall
Theme 3 D Jean Hutchinson Queen’s University Canada Towards managing debris channel risks to infrastructure: Understanding debris processes using remotely sensed data.
Theme 3 David Huntley Geological Survey of Canada Canada Field testing innovative RTK-GPS-GNSS-UAV monitoring technologies
Theme 3 Deepak KC CDRMP/United Nations Development Programme Nepal Community Based Early Warning System for Floods and Landlsides in Policies and Practices
Theme 3 Fausto Guzzetti CNR Italy A review of landslide early warning systems
Theme 3 Federico Raspini Earth Sciences Department of the University of Firenze Italy Landslide mapping and monitoring with satellite interferometry
Theme 3 Filippo Catani University of Florence Italy Landslide monitoring and forecasting by remote sensing and numerical models
Theme 3 Gaetano Pecoraro University of Salerno Italy Definition and application of probabilistic EW thresholds for landslide occurrences at regional scale in Italy
Theme 3 George Adamson King’s College London UK The institutional structure of disaster risk reduction in India and its relation to landslides
Theme 3 Graziella Devoli Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate Norway Seven years of landslide forecasting in Norway 窶・strengths and limitations
Theme 3 Ha Nguyen Duc Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources Vietnam A Coupled Hydrological – Geotechnical Framework for Forecasting Shallow Landslide Hazard
Theme 3 Hiroshi, P. Sato College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon Univ. Japan Detection of landslide surface deformation using InSAR of ALOS-2 data in Jure landslide, Sunkoshi River watershed, Nepal
Theme 3 Hyuck-Jin Park Sejong University Korea, Rep. Probabilistic modelling of uncertainties in physically based landslide susceptibility assessment
Theme 3 Jan Blahut Czech Academy of Sciences, IRSM Czech Republic Using novel techiques for landslide monitoring
Theme 3 Jean-Philippe Malet CNRS – Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre France Massive processing of satellite image time series for landslide forecasting
Theme 3 John Singer AlpGeorisk Germany Landslide early warning and detection system for shallow landlslides in informal settlements in developing countries
Theme 3 Jose Cepeda Norwegian Geotechnical Institute – NGI Norway A generalized form of the power law function for precipitation thresholds
Theme 3 Katerina Kavoura University of Patras Greece Establishment of an integrated landslide early warning and monitoring system in populated areas
Theme 3 Katsuo Sasahara Kochi University Japan Time prediction of shallow landslide based on the monitoring of slope displacement
Theme 3 Keren Dai Chengdu University of Technology China time to build the intergrated earth observation landslide early warning system
Theme 3 Klaus-Peter Keilig Technical University of Munich Germany The large Tskneti landslide (Georgia). Investigation, monitoring and eary warning
Theme 3 Ko-Fei Liu National Taiwan University Chinese Taipei Debris flow detection with CCD
Theme 3 Kurosch Thuro Technical University of Munich Germany Development of an early warning system for shallow landslides in the tropical Andes (Medellテュn; Colombia)
Theme 3 Liang Feng University of Florence Italy Rockfall detection and early warning using micro-seismic monitoring
Theme 3 Lin Wang Chuo Kaihatsu Corporation Japan An early warning system of unstable slopes by multi-point MEMS tilting sensors and water contents
Theme 3 Luca Piciullo NGI Norway Towards reliable landslide early warning systems
Theme 3 Maneesha Ramesh Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham India Enhancing the reliability of IoT System for landslide monitoring by integrating learning models
Theme 3 Manojit Samanta CSIR-Central Building Research Institute India A review of rainfall threshold for landslide initiation, limitations and way forward
Theme 3 Maria Teresa Brunetti CNR IRPI Italy Regional approaches in forecasting rainfall-induced landslides
Theme 3 Mario Parise University Aldo Moro, Dept. Earth and Environmental Sciences Italy Do we really use landslide susceptibility maps?
Theme 3 Matt Lato BGC Engineering Canada Advances in 4D remote sensing for landslide mapping and risk assessment
Theme 3 Mihai Niculita Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi Romania LiDAR and UAV SfM for landslide monitoring
Theme 3 Mingsheng Liao Wuhan University China Mapping and monitoring surface displacements in mountainous-
Theme 3 Naoki Iwata Chuden Engineering Consultants Co.,Ltd Japan Influence of measuring time and displacement intervals in predicting a slope failure time using Fukuzono’s Model
Theme 3 Nikhil Nedumpallile Vasu British Geological Survey UK Soil water balance approach for forecasting rainfall-induced landslides in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Theme 3 Nikolaos Depountis University of Patras Greece Establishment of an integrated landslide early warning and monitoring system in populated areas
Theme 3 Nur Hussain McMaster University Canada Remote sensing based landslides risk measurement
Theme 3 Oriol Monserrat CTTC Spain Sentinel-1 as a tool to support early warning systems
Theme 3 Paola Revellino Department of Sciences and Technologies, University of Sannio Italy Field evidence of clay landslide movement triggered by artificial vibrations
Theme 3 Paolo Allasia CNR IRPI Italy The role of measure of deep seated displacements in the modern monitoring networks
Theme 3 Paolo Mazzanti Sapienza University of Rome Italy Recent developments in photomonitoring
Theme 3 Ping Lu Tongji University China Landslide Inventory Mapping from VHR, HR and MR imageries
Theme 3 Prakash Chandra Tiwari Kumaun University, Nainital India Community Based Early Warning System for Climate Change Induced Landslide Risk Reduction in Himalaya
Theme 3 Prodip Mandal Cooch behar Panchanan Barma University India Rainfall thresholds for the prediction of rainfall-induced landslides along NH-10 in Darjeeling Himalayas, India
Theme 3 Qiang Xu State Key Laboratory of Geo-hazard Prevention and Geo-environment Protection,Chengdu University of Technology China Some success early warning cases of landslides
Theme 3 Ray Andrew Buensuceso Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology Philippines Monitoring and Early Warning System for Shallow and Deep-seated Landslides: A preliminary study in the Philippines
Theme 3 Roberta Boni Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Italy Assessment of the SentineL ground deformation data Feasibility for large scale lAndslide monitoring (ALFA)
Theme 3 ROUFEI CHEN Department of Geology/Chinese Culture University Chinese Taipei Using multi-temporal interferometry to recognize sliding blocks with in deep-seated landslide by ALOS/ALOS2 imagery
Theme 3 Roy Anthony Luna AMH Philippines, Inc Philippines Development of Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System for Philippine Infrastructures
Theme 3 Runqing Ye Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey China Analysis of Deformation Characteristics of Landslide in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area・靴hina
Theme 3 Sangeeth kumar Chinnadurai Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham India Comparison of Data Networking Architectures for Remote Landslide Warning System:Pros and Cons
Theme 3 Sergey Matsiy Kuban State Agrarian University Russia Landslide Risk-Assestment
Theme 3 Shobhana Lakhera Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), India India Establishing Soil moisture and Intensity-duration based rainfall thresholds for the initiation of mass movements along the National Highway-58 in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand
Theme 3 Silvia Bianchini University of Firenze Italy Satellite interferometric radar data as continuous streaming for landslide monitoring and civil protection purposes
Theme 3 Soumya Darshan Panda Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee India Regional Rainfall Intensity Threshold for Landslides in Uttarakhand Himalaya, India
Theme 3 Srikrishnan Siva Subramanian State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection (SKLGP), Chengdu University of Technology China Modelling and defining early warning thresholds for snowmelt induced soil slope failures in seasonal cold regions
Theme 3 Takashi Koi Hokkaido University Japan Characterstics of debris-flow induced rainfall after volcanic eruption
Theme 3 Tamara Breuninger Technical University of Munich Germany Social Aspects of an Early Warning System in Informal Settlements in Medellテュn, Colombia
Theme 3 Taro Uchimura Saitama University Japan Monitoring of slope deformation and seepage by elastic wave propagation
Theme 3 Teuku Faisal Fathani Universitas Gadjah Mada INDONESIA Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning System
Theme 3 Thom Bogaard Delft University of Technology Netherlands What hydrological informationsshould we include in landslide hzard assessment and Early Warning Systems?
Theme 3 Uday K V IIT Mandi India Landslide debris-flow Prediction using Ensemble and Non-Ensemble Machine-Learning Methods
Theme 3 Varun Dutt Indian Institute of Technology Mandi India Landslide debris-flow Prediction using Ensemble and Non-Ensemble Machine-Learning Methods
Theme 3 Veronica Tofani University of Florence – Department of Earth Sciences Italy Physically based modeling to fiorecast shallow landslides at regional scale
Theme 3 Vikas Thakur Norwegian University of Science and Technology NORWAY Need for an integrated landslide and cybersecurity management framework
Theme 3 Weniza Weniza Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics BMKG Indonesia Indonesian Tsunami Hazard Early Warning System; the Challenge and Innovations
Theme 3 Xiaolei Liu Ocean University of China China In situ observations of wave-induced submarine landslide on the Yellow River subaqueous delta
Theme 3 Ying Liu Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Remote sensing monitoring of landslides along highways
Theme 3 Zongji Yang Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment China Prediction of landslide mass remobilization based on the monitoring of soil water in the slope
Theme 4 Akihiko Wakai Gunma University Japan Numerical simulation of a creeping landslide case in Japan
Theme 4 Alonso A. Alfaro Navarrete MOPT – El Salvador El Salvador Rockfall and landslides events and its study in Los Chorros Segment of the CA01 route, El Salvador.
Theme 4 Ananta Man Singh Pradhan Pukyong National University Korea, Rep. Hybrid rainfall thresholds and landslide susceptibility for scenario-based vulnerability and risk assessment in South Korea
Theme 4 Anthony Leung Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong SAR, China Innovative use of thermo-active pile row in unsaturated soil slope
Theme 4 Avirut Chinkulkijniwat Suranaree University of Technology Thailand Evaluation of failure plane for shallow landslides under ranfall conditions.
Theme 4 Beena Ajmera North Dakota State University USA Simplest Methods of determining dynamic soil properties for use in coseismic seismic hazard analysis
Theme 4 Binod Tiwari California State University, Fullerton USA Influence of wildfire in changing physical properties of slopes and triggering mass movement
Theme 4 Bolin Huang China Three Gorges University China Dynamic Analysis of Impulse Wave Generated by the Collapse of Granular Pillar
Theme 4 Chaojun Ouyang Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,CAS China Numerical modeling of dynamic process and risk prediction of recent catastrophe landslides
Theme 4 Ching Hung National Cheng Kung University Chinese Taipei Relationship between Arias intensity and the earthquake-induced displacements of slopes
Theme 4 Christopher Gomez Kobe University Japan Inter-event and intra-flow grain-size change and impacts on mountains and volcanic debris flows runout
Theme 4 Clarence Choi The University of Hong Kong China Impact of debris flow against multiple barriers
Theme 4 Deepak Raj Bhat Okuyama Boring Co., Ltd. Japan Shearing rate effect on residual strength of typical clayey soils
Theme 4 Domenico Lombardi The University of Manchester UK A state-dependent procedure for the evaluation of post-liquefaction stability of sand
Theme 4 Dongri Song Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Basal stresses of debris flow in instrumented flume
Theme 4 Emmanouil Fleris Technical University of Vienna Austria A study of Rockfall processes at different geomorphological settings through a stochastic numerical approach in 3D.
Theme 4 Erica Akemi UCSB USA Landslide Risk Assessment using Ordinal Logistic Regression for Sao Paulo city, Brazil
Theme 4 George Goodwin University of Hong Kong China Coarse-grained flows and slit-structures: a closer look at the transitition between self-cleaning and mechanical trapping
Theme 4 Giuseppe Mandrone University of Torino Italy Wild fire induced landslide in Italy
Theme 4 guotao ma university of warwick UK Probabilistic kinematics of landslides with stochastic material point method considering random fields
Theme 4 Hitoshi Nakase TEPSCO Japan Validating the Reproduction of the Sedimentation State of Collapsed Soil during Rock Slope Collapse Using the Simplified DEM Model
Theme 4 Irene Manzella University of Plymouth UK Granular flow experiments and mobility of large mass flows
Theme 4 Jiajia Wang Chang’an University China Tsunami Squares modeling of landslide generated impulsive waves
Theme 4 Jianqi Zhuang Chang’an University China Mechanism of the remodel loess failure due to Gully Stabilization and Highland Protection and improvement using Sodium Alginate
Theme 4 Jin Sun University of Edinburgh UK Particle simulation methods for slope stability and flow analysis
Theme 4 Jonathan Carey GNS Science New Zealand Laboratory simulations of submarine landslide failure mechanisms
Theme 4 Jonathan Nuttall Deltares Netherlands Probabilistic Site Characterization using CPT data, Convolutional Neural Networks and Random Fields
Theme 4 Jordi Corominas Universitat Politティcnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech Spain Fragmental rockfalls and the analysis of risk
Theme 4 Jun Umemura Nihon University JAPAN Shear tests for the slip surface of earthquake induced landslides based on the scenario at the time of their occurrence
Theme 4 Kaiheng Hu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS China Risk assessment of potential landslide dammed lakes
Theme 4 Kazuya ITOH Tokyo City University Japan Centrifuge model tests of rainfall-induced slope failures
Theme 4 Keh-Jian Shou NATIONAL CHUNG-HSING UNIVERSITY Chinese Taipei On the scale effect of the catchment landslide susceptibility with consideration of climate change
Theme 4 Khang Dang ICL Japan Hazard assessment of a rainfall-induced deep-seated landslide in Hakha city, Myanmar
Theme 4 Kiminori Araiba National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster Japan Stability of piled rocks
Theme 4 Kumari M. Weerasinghe CECB Sri Lanka Deformities & Dynamics of Long-Travel Landslides
Theme 4 Kuo-Hsin Yang NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY Chinese Taipei Deformation characteristics of shallow unstable slopes subjected to rainfall
Theme 4 Limin Zhang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology China 1. Assessment of risks of the Baige landslide dams on the Jinsha River, China, in 2018; 2. Risk-informed decision on mountain highway alighment in landslide-prone areas
Theme 4 Luke McGuire University of Arizona USA Application of a hydrologic threshold for improved understanding of post-wildfire debris flow initiation
Theme 4 Luqi Wang China University of Geosciences China Risk assessment of submerged rock mass in reservoir area
Theme 4 Marta Tomaszczyk Polish Geological Institute-NRI Poland Numerical restoration of pre-failure slope geometry using DSI algorithm
Theme 4 Martin Mergili BOKU University, Institute of Applied Geology Austria Advanced methods for simulating complex landslides
Theme 4 Masato Kobiyama Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Hazard connectivity index for debris-flow disaster management
Theme 4 Mastura Azmi Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia Effect of matric suction in ground movement during extreme rainfall events
Theme 4 Matteo Del Soldato University of Firenze Italy Field survey practical approach of continuous SAR monitored areas
Theme 4 Md. Rafiqul Islam Department of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technolog, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh Bangladesh Numerical modeling sliding behavior and safety factor analysis of the right-bank of the river Jamuna, Central Banglaesh
Theme 4 Mega Lia Istiyanti University of Yamanashi Japan Shear test on reconstituted sample (Tephra layer with kaolinite) related to the landslide due to heavy rainfall: A case study in the Aso Volcano area, Kyushu, Japan
Theme 4 Nejc Bezak University of Ljubljana Slovenia An extreme May 2018 debris flood case study in northern Slovenia: analysis, modelling, and mitigation
Theme 4 Netra Prakash Bhandary Ehime University Japan Residual-state ring shear creep tests on clayey materials and development of creep failure model
Theme 4 Ngoc Ha Do University of Yamanashi Japan Research on landslides mechanism in case of heavy rainfall by flume experiment
Theme 4 Nimani Kulathilake Central engineering consultancy Bureau Sri Lanka Comparison of strength parameters and soil moduli E 50
Theme 4 Nobutaka Hiraoka National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Japan Japan Study on Slope Failure due to Groundwater during Excavation using Centrifuge modeling
Theme 4 Panyabot Kaothon Gangneung-Wonjo National University Korea, Rep. Master Curve Approach to Soil Nail Design Based on Finite Element Method
Theme 4 Philips Omowumi Falae 2Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), Ghaziabad, India India Integrated Geo-investigations for Landslide Investigation
Theme 4 Pongsakorn Wongchana Chiang Mai University Thailand Modelling of Creep Behavior of Claystone in Mae Moh Open-Pit Mine Using the Soft Soil Creep Model
Theme 4 Qiuhua Liang Loughborough University UK High-performance simulation of landslide dynamics
Theme 4 RAJESH KUMAR DASH CSIR-Central Building Research Institute India Debris flow runout estimation for landslide risk assessment in Indian Himalaya
Theme 4 Rolando Orense University of Auckland New Zealand Application of magnetic tracking system in laboratory-scale rockfall model tests
Theme 4 Ryosuke Uzuoka Kyoto University Japan Numerical analysis of a seismic behavior of unsaturated fill slope
Theme 4 Saaduddin Saaduddin Institute of Geophysics and Tectonics, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK UK Modelling the Mt. Gamalama instabilities and their threats to submarine infrastructure and the coastal population
Theme 4 Sabatino Cuomo Unviersity of Salerno Italy Simple shear tests of loose unsaturated soils prone to liquefaction
Theme 4 Sanja Dugonjic Jovancevic University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering Croatia Analysis of rock mass and instability phenomena along the karst-flysch contact
Theme 4 Saskia de Vilder GNS Science New Zealand Development of a consistent quantitative risk analysis approach within a New Zealand context.
Theme 4 Satoshi Goto University of Yamanashi Japan Recent Development in soil and rock testing techniques, application and analysis methods
Theme 4 Shuji Moriguchi Tohoku University Japan Correlation analysis of DEM input parameters in slope failure simulations
Theme 4 Takashi Kitazume Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd. JAPAN A prototype of real-time hazard map by debris flow simulation using cellular automaton and multi agent system
Theme 4 Tazio Strozzi Gamma Remote Sensing Switzerland Accelerating landslide hazard at Kandersteg, Swiss Alps – Looking at 28 years of satellite and terrestrial InSAR ground movement data to understand the present landslide kinematics
Theme 4 Thambidurai Ponnugounder Priyadarshini Engineering College India Electrical Resistivity and Geotechnical Approach for Landslide Investigation of Mangan Town, Sikkim, Northeastern India – A Case Study
Theme 4 Thirapong Pipatpongsa Kyoto University Japan On the progression of slope failures using inverse velocity of surface movements in an undercut slope model
Theme 4 Timothy Stark University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign USA Oso Landslide: Failure Mechanism and Runout Analyses
Theme 4 Timur Ersoz Middle East Technical University Turkey Rock Slope Stability Assessment with BQ and Qslope Systems
Theme 4 Tina Peternel Geological Survey of Slovenia Slovenia Prediction of deep-seated landslide using data-driven modelling
Theme 4 Tingkai Nian Dalian University of Technology China Formation process simulation and stability assessment method of landslide dam
Theme 4 Tolga CAN University of Cukurova / Turkey TURKEY Quantitative Landslide Risk Assessment in part of Central Taurus Mountains (Turkey)
Theme 4 Valentina Svalova Sergeev Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS Russia Landslide risk assessment and management for city territories
Theme 4 Vamshi Krishna Rao Karanam Leibniz University of Hannover INDIA Land slide monitoringusing Persistant scatterer interferometry (ADInSAR)
Theme 4 Vladimir Matsiy Kuban State Agrarian University Russia Landslide risk assestment of transportation systems
Theme 4 WEI ZHONG Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS China Spatial Stability Evaluation of Landslide
Theme 4 Wei-Lin Lee National cheng kung university Chinese Taipei Implementing rainfall boundary condition in a multiphase model using material point method
Theme 4 Xiaofan An Xi’an University of Technology China Grain-based distinct element modelling for flexural toppling of rock slopes
Theme 4 Xiaoqin Lei Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS China Effects of internal erosion on the stability of slopes composed of loose deposits
Theme 4 Yajun Li Lanzhou University China Active periods of debris flows on the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
Theme 4 Yu Huang Tongji University China Resilience assessment of Anchored Engineering Slopes Subject to seismic excitation
Theme 4 Yuan-Jun Jiang Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Interaction mechanism of dry granular flow and countermeasure structure
Theme 4 Zhenwei Dai Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey China Study on Deterioration Characteristics of Slope Rock Mass and Its New Anchorage Control Technology in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China
Theme 4 Zili Dai Shimane University Japan SPH-based numerical modeling of submarine landslide propagation and its generated surge waves
Theme 5 Aditi Singh Gautam Buddha University India Landslide Risk Assessment: An Overview of Recent Developments and future challenges
Theme 5 Alexander Strom “Geodynamics Research Center – branch of JSC “”Hydroproject Institute””” Russia Kokomeren Summer School on Rockslides and Related Phenomena
Theme 5 Aline Silva Rio de Janeiro Geological Survey Brazil Rio de Janeiro State Landslide Risk Management: Experience of the Rio de Janeiro Geological Survey
Theme 5 Athauda Arachchige Virajh Dias Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau Sri Lanka 2) Effective Global Communication through E- Conferencing
Theme 5 Bayes Ahmed University College London (UCL) UK The impact of culture in landslide disaster risk reduction
Theme 5 Bhagwati Joshi Government Post Graduate College, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, India India Empowering Women in Landslide Risk Management in Himalaya
Theme 5 Biljana Abolmasov University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology Serbia Regional slope stability analysis in landslide hazard assessment context-example from North Macedonia
Theme 5 Chia-Yun Wei Freeway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications Chinese Taipei Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster
Theme 5 Dave Petley University of Sheffield UK Creating a rapid understanding of landslide disasters through pooling and crowd-sourcing multiple data sources
Theme 5 Dongxu Yang Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS China Characteristics of sediment transportation and abrasion behavior of glacial debris-flow in Southeast Tibet, China
Theme 5 Eleftheria Poyiadji Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration Greece Landslides in Greece and related legislation: difficulties and potential improvements
Theme 5 Elizabeth Holcombe University of Bristol UK Co-producing data and decision support tools to reduce landslide risk in the humid tropics
Theme 5 Ellen Robson Newcastle University UK Cost-effective road slope stabilisation for low-income countries
Theme 5 Emanuele Intrieri University of Studies of Florence Italy Communicating hydrogological risk and warning: guidelines from Italy
Theme 5 Francisco Dourado UERJ Brazil Landslides disasters in Brazil
Theme 5 Gianvito Scaringi Charles University Czech Republic Landslide risk education at university
Theme 5 Gopi Basyal Durham University UK Local perceptions and response to changing landslide risk following the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake: Implications for effective risk reduction
Theme 5 Gulsan Ara Parvin Kyoto University Japan An overview of the Nature and Characteristics of Landslides in Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Japan
Theme 5 Hatma Suryatmojo Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia Landslide Risk Reduction for Human Survivebility and Environmental Sustainability
Theme 5 Hemalatha Thirugnanam Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham India Challenges and opportunities in landslide early warning system
Theme 5 Hendy Setiawan Gadjah Mada University Indonesia Recent progress on the development of digital crowd mapping for landslides in Java Island of Indonesia
Theme 5 HIROSHI OGAWA NIPPON KOEI JAPAN Landslide mechanism and technical transfer at paleo topographic blockage lake – Case of central Asia Kyrgyz republic-
Theme 5 Hoang Ninh Nguyen Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources Vietnam Landslide and flashflood prone areas in Vietnam: where to live?
Theme 5 Irasema Alcantara-Ayala Institute of Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), ISC-ROLAC and MRI (Mountain Research Initiative) Mexico Living with no landslides: the challenge to avoid the new construction of disaster risk
Theme 5 Jan Klimes IRSM CAS Czech Republic Community based landslide disaster risk management in developed and developing countries
Theme 5 Jen-Cheng Liao Taiwan Construction Research Institute Chinese Taipei Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster
Theme 5 Julian S H Kwan Geotecnhnical Engineering Office Hong Kong SAR, China Role of Remote Sensing Technology in Landslide Risk Management of Hong Kong
Theme 5 Kiyomi Nakamura Japan Conservation Engineers & Co. ltd. Japan Extraction of subjects for regional disaster risk reduction by teaching materials simulating evacuation behaviors
Theme 5 Kumiko Fujita International Consortium on Landslides Japan Starting International Joint Research for Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study of the Use of Japanese Warning Technology in Sri Lanka
Theme 5 Lee-Ping Shi Taiwan Construction Research Institute Chinese Taipei Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster
Theme 5 Louis Ge National Taiwan University Chinese Taipei International Training Course on Slope Land Disaster Reduction
Theme 5 Marcos Mendonca Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil Consideration of social vulnerability aspects in landslide risk mapping: the case of Angra dos Reis municipality, Brazil
Theme 5 Mateja Jemec Auflic Geological Survey of Slovenia Slovenia On the importance of geological data for landslide risk reduction in Slovenia
Theme 5 Matjaz Mikos University of Ljubljana Slovenia The ICL journal Landslides – 15 years of capacity building for landslide risk reduction.
Theme 5 Mohd Khairudin Muhamed Ampang Jaya Municipal Council Malaysia Using Slope Inventories In Managing Landslide Risk Area
Theme 5 Ngadisih Ngadisih Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia Community-based Landslide Risk Reduction in Merawu Watershed, Central Java
Theme 5 Osvaldo Luiz Leal de Moraes CEMADEN Brazil Monitoring and issuing landslides early warning in Brazil: CEMADEN and its Innovative Methodology
Theme 5 Pascal lacroix IRD France Risk management over the Maca slow-moving landslide, Peru
Theme 5 Raymond Cheung Geotechnical Engineering Office China Landslide risk management in Hong Kong
Theme 5 Ricardo Garnica Institute of Geography, National Autonomous University of Mexico Mexico Landslide exposure community-based mapping: a first encounter in a small rural locality of Mexico
Theme 5 San-Shyan Lin Dept. of Harbor and River Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University Chinese Taipei Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster
Theme 5 Sao-Jeng Chao National Ilan University Chinese Taipei A Safety Potential Analysis Model for Anchors Distributed on Freeway Slopes
Theme 5 Sowedi Masaba Busitema University Uganda Preparedness for landslide disaster risks in Mount Elgon region, Uganda
Theme 5 Surya Parkash National Institute of Disaster Management India Emerging Issues and Innovative Strategies for Landslides Risk Management
Theme 5 Tsai-Ming Yu Freeway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications Chinese Taipei Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster
Theme 5 Wen-I Wu Freeway Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications Chinese Taipei Refinement Progress on Freeway Slope Maintenance after a Huge Landslide Disaster
Theme 5 Wilopo Wahyu Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia Indonesia Community capacity building for landslides disaster by student community service
Theme 6 Andree Blais-Stevens Geological Survey of Canada Canada Historical landslides that have resulted in fatalities in Canada (1771-2020).
Theme 6 Arash Barjasteh Khuzestan Water & Power Authority (KWPA IRAN March 2019 flood impact on the stability of Ambal salt ridge in the Gotvand dam reservoir, Iran
Theme 6 Atm Shakhawat Hossain Jahangirnagar University Bangladesh Rainfall Induced Landslide Hazards of Bangladesh—Challenges, Issues and sustainable Development
Theme 6 Atsuhiko Kinoshita National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management Japan Study on the mechanism of the deep-seated landslide using the airborne electromagnetic surveys
Theme 6 Baoping Wen China University of Geosciences (Beijing) China Necessary and sufficient conditions on the prediction and description of rapid and long run-out rock landslides窶・mobility
Theme 6 Caleb Gasston University of Auckland New Zealand Surface fault rupture and landslides: investigating the triggering mechanisms of large volume landslides generated by the 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake.
Theme 6 Carlo Esposito Universitテ La Sapienza Italy Time-dependent rock mass deformation and landscape evolution in causing catastrophic rockslides
Theme 6 Chandrasekaran S S Vellore Institute of Technology, India India Geotechnical Investigations on mechanism of flow type catastrophic landslides of Western Ghats, India
Theme 6 Charles W.W. Ng Hong Kong Univrsity of Science and Technology Hong Kong SAR, China Interaction mechanisms between debris flow and multiple barriers
Theme 6 Chenxiao Tang Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS China Monitoring of landslide risk components after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake
Theme 6 Ching-Ying Tsou Faculty of Agriculture and Life Science/Hirosaki University Japan Features of deep-seated gravitational slope deformation of slate slopes in the Central Range, Taiwan
Theme 6 Chris Massey GNS Science New Zealand Earthquake-induced landscape change 窶・four years after the M W 7.8 14 November 2016 Kaikoura Earthquake, New Zealand
Theme 6 Christian Zangerl University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Austria Investigation, characterisation and monitoring of deep-seated landslides in the surroundings of large dam reservoirs
Theme 6 Chukwueloka Okeke Covenant University, Nigeria Nigeria Sedimentology of Landslide Dams – Implications for Internal Erosion and Piping Failure: A Review
Theme 6 Daria Shubina Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Prospecting University Russia The Krasnogorsk landslide (Northern Caucasus): its evolution and modern activity
Theme 6 Dave Gauthier BGC Engineering Canada Karrat Fjord (Greenland) tsunamigenic landslide of 17 June 2017: initial 3D observations
Theme 6 David Alexander University College London UK The role of landslides in cascading disasters
Theme 6 Dericks Shukla Indian Institute of Technology Mandi India What happened at Kotrupi landslide of Himachal Pradesh, India
Theme 6 Edwin Garcia University of Antioquia Colombia A technical investigation on causation on the catastrophic landslide on 26th October 2016 in Copacabana, Colombia
Theme 6 Federico Agliardi University of Milano-Bicocca Italy Practical characterization of slow rock slope deformation mechanisms, long-term activity and progressive failure: implications for dam reservoirs
Theme 6 Francis Rengers U.S. Geological Survey USA Landslides after wildfire: The evolution of mass-movement initation, magnitude and mobility after fire
Theme 6 gioachino roberti Minerva Intelligence Canada Could glacial retreat-related landslides trigger volcanic eruptions? Insights from Mount Meager volcano, Canada
Theme 6 Guido Rianna CMCC Foundation Italy Bridging the gap between climate sciences and landslide practitioners: insights from European experiences
Theme 6 Hongjuan Yang Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Rainfall-induced landslides and debris flows in Mengdong Town, Yunnan Province, China
Theme 6 Igor Fomenko Russian State Geological Prospecting University n. a. Sergo Ordzhonikidzミオ (MGRI) Russia Paragenetic landslide-mudflow process in the upper Belaya river (Caucasus, Russia)
Theme 6 Ikuo Towhata Kanto Gakuin University Japan Mechanism and future risk of slope instability induced by extreme rain-fall event in Izu Oshima Island, Japan
Theme 6 Jan Burda VUHU Czech Republic Coal-mining-induced catastrophic landslide – causes, consequences and triggers (Czech Republic)
Theme 6 Jia-Jyun Dong National Central University Chinese Taipei Submarine landslide: A case study from the southwestern of Taiwan offshore
Theme 6 Jian Chen China University of Geosciences (Beijing) China Evolution of a giant paleolake in the upper Minjiang River, eastern Tibetan Plateau
Theme 6 Jiao Wang Institute of Mountain Hazards ans Environment, CAS China Spatial distribution law of moraine in Parlung Tsang basin, Southeast Tibet, China
Theme 6 John Reynolds Reynolds International Ltd UK Slope instabilities and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods: processes, hazard assessment and mitigation
Theme 6 Komatsubara Taku Geological Survey of Japan, AIST Japan Relationships between antecedent rainfall and volume of earthquake-induced縲€landslides in historical era of Japan
Theme 6 Kun He Southwest Jiaotong University China Rainfall-induced debris flow-landslide-outburst flood chain in Danba, Sichuan, China
Theme 6 Lei Zhu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu China Failure mechanism and dynamic processes of rock avalanche occurrence in Chengkun railway, China, on August 14, 2019
Theme 6 Luciano Picarelli Universitテ della Campania Italy The effects of extreme precipitations on landslide hazard in the pyroclastic deposits of Campania Region
Theme 6 Marc Ostermann Geological Survey of Austria Austria The Pineda Rockslide -Caracteristics of Vajontツエs elder brother
Theme 6 Marcelo Somos-Valenzuela Universidad de La Frontera Chile Landslides triggered by hydroclimatological events in the Chilean Andes
Theme 6 Mark Reid U.S. Geological Survey USA Landslide mobility promoted by basal liquefaction
Theme 6 Marte Gutierrez Colorado School of Mines USA The Massive February 17, 2006, Leyte, Philippines, Rockslide
Theme 6 Michele Delchiaro Sapienza University of Rome Italy Quantitative investigation of a Mass Rock Creep deforming slope through A-Din SAR and geomorphometry
Theme 6 Nicholas Roberts Mineral Resources Tasmania Australia Managing hazard and risk of landslide-generated waves in lakes
Theme 6 Nikola Chevyaga Grad23 Russia Paragenetic landslide-mudflow process in the upper Belaya river (Caucasus, Russia)
Theme 6 PAULUS RAHARDJO UNIVERSITAS KATOLIK PARAHYANGAN Indonesia Study on the Phenomena of Liquefaction Induced Massive Landslides in 28 September 2018 Palu-Donggala Earthquake
Theme 6 Prakash Chandra Ghimire Institute of Engineering, Pulchwok Campus, Tribhuvan University Nepal Large Scale Landslide mechanism: A case study of Jure landslides in Nepal
Theme 6 Regine Morgenstern GNS Science New Zealand Landslide dam hazards: assessing their formation, failure modes, longevity on the landscape and downstream debris impacts
Theme 6 Renato de Lima CENACID-UFPR Brazil Understanding the landslides in the mega disasters of Santa Catarina (2008), Rio de Janeiro (2011) and Paranテ。 (2011)- Brazil
Theme 6 Reshad Md. Ekram Ali Geological Survey of Bangladesh Bangladesh Influence of geology and geological structures in tiggering landslides, Bangladesh perspective.
Theme 6 Ruichen Chen China University of Geosciences (Beijing) China Kinematic mechanism of a long runout landslide in the upper reaches of the Jinsha River
Theme 6 Salvatore Martino University of Rome Italy Earthquake-triggered landslides and slope-seismic waves interaction
Theme 6 Shenghua Cui State Key Laboratory of Geohazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Protection, Chengdu University of Technology China An updated initiation model for the earthquake induced Daguangbao landslide
Theme 6 Sreekumar Sankara Pillai IRTC India Landslides 2018 in Kera,India,Lessons Learned
Theme 6 Swapna Acharjee State Remote Sensing Application Centre, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Arunachal Pradesh India Landslide triggered by rainfall and landuse change: A case study of Laptap Landslide, Arunachal Pradesh, India
Theme 6 Thi Minh Hue Le Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Norway Subsea landslide in quick clay
Theme 6 Tomas Panek University of Ostrava Czech Republic Giant landslides in the foreland of Patagonian Andes: effects of deglaciation and drawdown of glacial lakes
Theme 6 Toshimi Mizuno OYO Corporation Japan The evaluation of Deep seated catastrophic landslides (DCLs) on Kii Peninsula by means of the historical deformation
Theme 6 Ubydul Haque University of North Texas Health Science Center USA Increasing deadly landslides worldwide 1995-2019: an update
Theme 6 Vinod K SHARMA Geological Survey of India (Retd) India Catastrophic Landslides in Indian sector of Himalaya
Theme 6 Violchen Sepulveda Universidad de Chile Chile Catastrophic landslide and subsequent tsunamis in Los Lagos District, Chile
Theme 6 Vit Vilimek Charles University Czech Republic Landslides as triggers of GLOFs in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
Theme 6 wei hu Chengdu University of Technology China Superheated steam, hot CO2and dynamic recrystallization from frictional heat jointly lubricated a giant landslide: Field and experimental evidence
Theme 6 Xiaolin Fu Wuhan Centre of China Geological Survey China Study on deformation and formation mechanism of the deep-seated landslide triggered by human engineering activities: A case study of the Baiyangwan landslide in Wushan County, the Three Gorges Reservoir region, China
Theme 6 Xuanmei Fan SKLGP, Chengdu University of Technology China The disaster chain effect of landslides after strong earthquakes
Theme 6 YunusAli Pulpadan State Key Laboratory of GeoHazard Prevention and Geoenvironment Monitoring China Fluvial responses to large scale landslides
Theme 6 Susumu Nakamura NIhon University Japan Risk assessment of structural damage for rock collision due to earthquake-induced landslide
Theme 7 Artem Khomutov Earth Cryosphere Institute Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS Russia Mechanisms of cryogenic landslides and landforms under warming, Yamal, Russia
Theme 7 Bharat Prasad Bhandari Tribhuvan University Nepal Landslide heterogeneity in the Siwalik zone of Nepal
Theme 7 Costanza Morino Universite de Nantes France Different dynamics of permafrost degradation-induced landslides revealed by molards
Theme 7 Davide Bertolo Regione Autonoma Valle d\’Aosta Italy Integrating PS-InSAR monitoring and local early warning systems in the Alps: form the regional to the local scale. The experience of a public service.
Theme 7 Elena Babkina Earth Cryosphere Institute, Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS Russia Response of slope process to permafrost warming in the North of West Siberia, Russia
Theme 7 Fawu Wang Shimane University Japan A new model to describe rapid and long runout landslide motion
Theme 7 G. A. Chinthaka Ganepola Asian Disaster Preparedness Center Sri Lanka Landslide Risk Management using Nature-based Solutions
Theme 7 Gabriel Paulin Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico Assessing landslide volume for landform hazard zoning purposes
Theme 7 Gabriel Paulin Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico Modeling landslide volumes: A case study in Whatcom County, Washington, USA.
Theme 7 Giuseppe Cardile Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria DICEAM Italy Key factors to define the design parameters of geosynthetic-reinforced soil structures for landslide stabilisation
Theme 7 Guglielmo Grechi University of Rome La Sapienza Italy Non-linear strain effects induced by temperature fluctuations on jointed rock masses
Theme 7 Guoyu Li State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Rock glacier degradation in Tianshan Moutains, China: a case study
Theme 7 Haleem Magsi Karakoram International University Pakistan 1. Sesimotectonic Method In Evaluation Of Slope Stability 2. Seismotectonic Landslide Zoning in Northern Areas
Theme 7 Isakbek TORGOEV Institute of Geomechanics and Mining of National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz Republic Landslides in nival-glacial area of Kyrgyz Tien Shan
Theme 7 Jan Hradecky University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science Czech Republic Long-term slope instability in Crimean Mountains 窶・dating of giant rockslides.
Theme 7 Jeffrey Coe US Geological Survey USA Bellwether locations for identifying changes in landslide magnitude and frequency induced by climate change
Theme 7 Jose Chavez OPAMSS El Salvador Slope behavior improvement of partially-saturated piroclasts in data-scarce regions
Theme 7 Junichi Koseki University of Tokyo Japan Japanese case histories on use of geosynthetics in reconstructing failed slopes
Theme 7 Karel Silhan University of Hradec Kralove Czech Republic Dendrogeomorphology of landslides: the use of tree rings for reconstruction of past landslide behaviour
Theme 7 Ken Ho GEO China Enhancing resilience against impact of climate change on slope safety
Theme 7 Mario Valiante Sapienza University of Rome Italy A 4D object-oriented data model for landslides (LOOM): a first pilot application to the Cilento Geopark (Italy)
Theme 7 Marten Geertsema Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Canada Challenges with radiocarbon dating landslides
Theme 7 Martina Bohme Geological Survey of Norway Norway Landscape development and large rock slope instabilities in Mandalen; Northern Norway
Theme 7 Md Aftabur Rahman Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology Bangladesh Numerical simulation debris flow along curved channel
Theme 7 Michael Hendry University of Alberta Canada Development of Active landslides and ground hazards into full-scale laboratories: outcomes and benefits
Theme 7 Michal Bil CDV – Transport Research Centre Czech Republic A Prediction of Landslide Risks to Transportation Infrastructure in Czechia: An assessment based on climate scenarios and transport infrastructure planned development
Theme 7 Mihira Lakruwan Tohoku University, Japan Japan Economizing the Soil Nailing Design by Drainage Improvement 窶・Case History at Ginigathhena
Theme 7 Mohamed Ayeldeen Keller Grundbau GmbH UAE Landslides modelling and ground improvement
Theme 7 Mohammad Ibrahim Mazhar IGIS NUST Pakistan Pakistan Landslide Susceptibility mapping through integration of GIS and Geotechnical approaches
Theme 7 Niels Hovius GFZ German Centre for Geoscience Research Germany Causes of transient changes of landslide rates after earthquakes
Theme 7 Nobuyuki SHIBASAKI NIPPON KOEI CO., LTD. JAPAN Effects of seismic wave and S窶努ave propagation on the strain depth-profile in a landslide
Theme 7 Oded Katz Geological Survey of Isreal Israel Submarine landslide hazard assessment and mapping
Theme 7 Oleg Zerkal Lomonosov Moscow State University, Geological Department Russia Classification of Cryogenic Landslides and Related Phenomena (by Example of the Territory of Russia)
Theme 7 Paula Hilger Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Norway How significant is inheritance when dating rockslide boulders with terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating?
Theme 7 Peter Bobrowsky Geological Survey of Canada Canada Drone Technology and Landslide Hazards in British Columbia
Theme 7 Reginald Hermanns Geological Survey of Norway Norway Systematic hazard and consequence analyses for large rock slope failures
Theme 7 Sabatino Cuomo University of Salerno Italy MPM modelling of landslide-structure interaction
Theme 7 Sabatino Cuomo GEG, University of Salerno Italy Advanced modelling of flow-like landslides interacting with structures
Theme 7 Sandro Moretti University of Firenze Italy Large and small scale multi sensors remote sensing for landslide characterization and monitoring
Theme 7 Scott McDougall University of British Columbia Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Canada Drone-based LiDAR surveying of landslide deposits to characterize runout behaviour
Theme 7 Si Fan Zhang School of engineering,harbin institute of technology China Formation Mechanism and Mitigative Measures of Frost Hazards encountered by Crude Oil Pipeline along the Slope in Daxing’anling Permafrost Region
Theme 7 Tonglu Li Chang’an University China Water induced geodisasters in the Chinese Loess Plateau
Theme 7 Tristram Hales Cardiff University UK Building resilience to post-earthquake debris flows
Theme 7 Vedran Damjanovic RGNF Zagreb Croatia The use of new technologies for the advancement of engineering-geological mapping at an active landslide in the development phase in Gornje Jesenje
Theme 7 Vishnu Dangol Nepal Landslide Society Nepal Geotechnical Investigation for Landslide Stabilization Works in Narayanghat-Mugling Rpad, Central Nepal
Theme 7 Wei Shan Northeast Forestry University China Environmental and Engineering Geology Problems in Permafrost Degraded Areas of Lesser Khinggan under Climate Change
Theme 7 Wen-Chieh Cheng Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology China Mobility Characteristics in Loess Landslide over Erodible Bed: Insights from Sandbox Experiment
Theme 7 Xingmin Meng School of Earth Sciences, Lanzhou University China Landslide Hazards and Management in Beilong River Corridor, China
Theme 7 Xinyu Li School of civil engineering, harbin institute of technology china Engineering geological environment of permafrost region in NE China under permafrost degradation
Theme 7 Xiwei Xu Institute of Crustal Dynamics, China Earthquake Administration China Correlation between surface rupture-associated geological hazards and casualties related to the 2008 Wenchuan, China Mw7.9 earthquake
Theme 7 Yi Zhang Lanzhou University China Geomorphology and movements of deep-seated landslide along active fault in the Bailong River basin
Theme 7 Ying Guo Northeast Forestry University China The influence of landslide in permafrost area to the environment
Theme 7 Yoshinori Otani Hirose Hokyodo & Co.,ltd. Japan Recent Development of the Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls with Geosynthetic Strap Reinforcements
Theme 7 Yoshitsugu Kimura Toa Grout Kogyo Co., Ltd Japan Performance Verification of sediment capture by Flexible Barrier
Theme 7 Yu Zhao Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment,CAS China FIB-SEM investigation of mineral composition and microstructure of slip surface
Theme 8 Aiguo Xing Shanghai Jiao Tong University China Characteristic analysis of the Nayong rock avalanche based on the seismic signal
Theme 8 Akihiko Tadokoro Shikoku Geotechnical Consultants Association , Kochi Branch japan The Workshop Program of disaster prevention learning for primary school children and junior high school students
Theme 8 Akihiro Miyagi SABO&Landslide Technical Center JAPAN Relationship between Bamboo Rhizome and Surface failure
Theme 8 Akshay Pandey Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India Application of Web-GIS for Dissemination of Landslide Susceptibility information
Theme 8 Alessandro Leonardi Politecnico di Torino Italy A multiscale paradigm for the simulation of debris flow and countermeasures
Theme 8 Alessandro Pasuto Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection – National Research Council (IRPI-CNR) Italy Assessing Landslide Hazard along the Belt and Road
Theme 8 Alex Tang L&T Consulting Canada Lessons Learned – Landslide Induced Lifelines Disasters From Past Earthquakes
Theme 8 Amin Askarinejad TU Delft Netherlands Design of early warning systems based on lesson from physical modelling of landslides induced by rainfall
Theme 8 Bahaaeldin Sadagah King Abdulaziz University Saudi Arabia Mitigation of slope stability
Theme 8 Candan Gokceoglu Hacettepe University Turkey A new horizon in landslide researches based on CitSci Approach
Theme 8 Changbao Guo Institute of Geomechanics, China Geological Survey China Reactivation mechanism of ancient landslide in the eastern Tibetan Plateau, China
Theme 8 Chaoying Zhao Chang窶和n University China Landslide Dynamic Deformation Monitoring with Sequential Least Squares Based SAR/InSAR techniques
Theme 8 Chun-Hsing Ho Northern Arizona University USA Oral
Theme 8 Daisuke Higaki Hirosaki University Japan Low-cost sustainable measures against the hazards due to the gradually erosional process in Nepal
Theme 8 Daniele Giordan CNR IRPI Italy Automatized dissemination of landslide monitoring bulletins for early warning applications
Theme 8 Denis Jongmans Universite Grenoble Alpes France Geophysical monitoring of landslides: state-of-the art and recent advances
Theme 8 Dhanya Madhu Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham India Rainfall thresholds for landslide initiation
Theme 8 Elahe Jamalinia Delft university of technology Netherlands Estimate safety of slopes by using observable data
Theme 8 Emir Ahmet Oguz NTNU Norway Critical Appraisal of Machine Learning Methods for the Assessment of Slope Failure
Theme 8 Faraz Tehrani Deltares Netherlands Global Landslide Detection using Random Forest Classifier and Optical Satellite Imagery
Theme 8 Fujun Niu State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soil Engineering, Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Science China Slope Failures in Permafrost Regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Theme 8 Galip Usta Trabzon University Turkey Emergency Aid in Disasters
Theme 8 Giovanna Capparelli University of Calabria Italy Analysis of the behavior of pyroclastic soils, prone to instability, through a small scale landslide modelling
Theme 8 Giulia Bossi CNR-IRPI, Research Institute for Geo-Hydrological Protection Italy Machine learning techniques to characterize prior to collapse displacements of landslides
Theme 8 Haijun Qiu Northwest University China Controls on landslide size: insights from field survey data
Theme 8 Haruki Ogasa Japan International Cooperation Agency Japan JICA’s support in sediment disaster risk reduction
Theme 8 Hiroaki Kojima OSASI Technos, Inc. Japan Case Studies of Installation of measuring instruments on overseas landslide countermeasures and their problems : examples of Sri Lanka and Honduras
Theme 8 Hirotaka Ochiai Japan Forest Technology Association Japan Field landslide-initiation experiment in Chiba, Japan
Theme 8 Hong-Hu Zhu Nanjing University China Multi-field monitoring of landslide using a distributed fiber optic sensing system
Theme 8 Huayong Chen Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS, 14AQEICQDXGR0JDV Chengdu 610041, China China Experimental study on formation and propagation of debris flow triggered by the Guangxieco glacial lake outburst flood
Theme 8 Ivan Depina SINTEF Norway Machine learning models for rainfall-induced landslide predictions on local to regional scales
Theme 8 JamesMotVG JamesMotVG google Lithuania drug testing policy
Theme 8 Jana Eichel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Geography and Geoecology Germany Biogeomorphic feedbacks between plants and mass movement processes in periglacial environments
Theme 8 Jim Whiteley University of Bristol/British Geological Survey UK Recent advances in geophysical monitoring of moisture-induced landslides
Theme 8 JinHo Lee Korean Association of Soil and Water Conservation Korea, Rep. Introduction of a Technique Developed for Examining Distribution of Land Creep Susceptible Zones in Korea
Theme 8 Josip Peranic University of Rijeka, Faculty of Civil Engineering Croatia Protection of cultural heritage site from rockfall occurrences
Theme 8 JUNG IL SEO Korean Society of Forest Engineering Korea, Rep. Development of a Statistical Model to Assess the Potential Possibility of Land Creep in Korean Mountain Areas
Theme 8 Junji Kiyono Kyoto University Japan Seismic performance of buried pipelines against large ground deformations associated with fault displacements
Theme 8 Kaoru Nakazato Pacific Consultants Co.,LTD. Land Infrastructure Div.縲€Geotechnical Engineering Dept. Japan Generating Landslide Hazard Map on 2015 Nepal Earthquake and Subsequent Training Activity
Theme 8 Kaoru Nakazato Pacific consultants Japan Generating Landslide Hazard Map on 2015 Nepal Earthquake and Subsequent Training Activity
Theme 8 Katsumi Ebisawa Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Japan Current nuclear power plant risk assessment for seismic faulting
Theme 8 Katsunori Hattori GODAI縲€Development Corporation Limited Japan Landslide Simulation
Theme 8 Kazunori Hayashi Okuyama Boring Co., Ltd. Japan Introduction of the Simplified drilling system for groundwater drainage works
Theme 8 Kazuo Konagai International Consortium on Landslides Japan landslides in the recent earthquakes and damage to lifelines
Theme 8 Kazuya Yasuhara Ibaraki University Japan Contribution of geotechnical engineering to IPCC
Theme 8 Kiyonobu Kasama Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan Lessons from recent earthquake-induced Geo-disaster in Kyushu
Theme 8 Koichi Ikebe The Japan Landslide Society Chubu Branch Japan The Workshop Program of disaster resilience education for primary school children and local residents the chubu region in Japan
Theme 8 Kwang-Ho Lee Korea Forest Service Korea, Rep. Landslide Control Policy of Korea
Theme 8 Lal Dinpuia Mizoram University (Pachhunga University College) India Slope instabilities analysis and monitoring of Aizawl landslides, Mizoram, Northeast India
Theme 8 Lidia Elizabeth Torres Bernhard Instituto Hondureno de Ciencias de la Tierra UNAH Honduras AHP Method Applicated to Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in pilot sites of Tegucigalpa
Theme 8 Lingjing LI Institute of geomechanics, Chinese academy of geological sciences China Study on the deformation models and spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of landslides in Jinsha River based on InSAR technology
Theme 8 Louise Vick UiT The Arctic University of Norway Norway Reactivated shear zones as the basal sliding surface for large rock slope deformations, northern Norway
Theme 8 Lu Zhang Wuhan University China Challenges and opportunities in landslide hazards detection and disaster early warning with SAR/InSAR observations
Theme 8 Mahdi Motagh GFZ German Research Center for Geosciences Germany Multi-sensor analysis of catastrophic landslides related to the 2019 extreme rainfall events in Iran
Theme 8 Man-Il Kim National Forestry Cooperative Federation Korea, Rep. Stability analysis for cut-slope collapse by earthquake
Theme 8 Maria Marin Ceron EAFIT University Colombia CRE dating of torrential alluvial deposits as an approximation of the Holocene climate-changes signatures in the Northwestern Colombian Andes
Theme 8 Martin Krkac University of Zagreb – Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Croatia Landslide movement prediction using Random Forests and Multiple Linear Regression
Theme 8 Martina Vivoda Prodan Faculty of Civil Engineering Croatia Structural protection measures on deep seated landslides in Croatia
Theme 8 Masanori Tozawa Kokusai Kougyo co., ltd. Japan Introduction of Preventive Measures in the Road Infrastructure Development of Tajikistan, in cooperation with a JICA Technical Project
Theme 8 masayuki ujihara NITTOC CONSTRUCTION CO.,LTD. Japan The Geofiber method – Protecting slopes with environment-conscious continuous fiber reinforced soil
Theme 8 Michiyo Nakashima NIPPON KOEI Japan The Report on a landslide in Kyotango city,Kyoto prefecture
Theme 8 Motoyuki Suzuki Yamaguchi University Japan Urgent issues and new suggestions of geo-disaster prevention in Japan
Theme 8 Mukteshwar Gobin Kyushu University Japan Structural and non-structural countermeasures against landslides implemented in Mauritius with the assistance of the Government of Japan
Theme 8 Naoki Watanabe Niigata University Japan Relationship between chemical weathering rate and landslide disaster – An example from the middle Hime river basin
Theme 8 Naoto Iwasa Nippon Steel Metal Products CO.,Ltd. Japan Application on slope stabilization method aimed at environment and landscape conservation and its task
Theme 8 Noriko Ohnuma Japan Conservation Engineers & CO.,LTD. Japan Process of Preparing Community Disaster Management Plan: Case Study of Communities on Ichinichi-Mae Project and CDMP that Have Experienced Recent Disaster
Theme 8 Noriyuki YASUFUKU Kyushu University Japan Sesssion Objective: Risk and adaptation in geo-disaster vulnerable areas under recent severe earthquake
Theme 8 Peng Cui Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS China Mountain Disaster Risk Reduction along the Silk Roads
Theme 8 Pucai Yang Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. Japan Identification of Debris Flow Hazards in Sri Lanka
Theme 8 Sangjun IM Seoul National University Korea, Rep. Quantitative Evaluation of Erosion Contro Dam on Sediment Trapping Efficiency with a Simulation Approach
Theme 8 Satoshi Murakami Fukuoka University Japan Lessons from recent geo-disasters due to extreme rainfall events in Kyushu district, Japan
Theme 8 Sebastian Uhlemann Lawrence Berkeley National Lab USA Geophysical monitoring of landslides- A step closer towards predictive understanding?
Theme 8 Senro Kuraoka Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. Japan Analysis of relationships between PGA and the inertial force that makes the slope fail during earthquake – Towards risk assessment and prevention of earthquake-induced landslides –
Theme 8 Shiguo Xiao Southwest Jiaotong University China A calculation method for frame-type stabilizing piles in slope engineering
Theme 8 Shima Kawamura Muroran Institute of Technology Japan Lessons from recent geo-disasters in Hokkaido under earthquake
Theme 8 Shunitsu Fujii Fujii Consulting & Associates Japan An easy way to learning rainfall-induced disasters and its prevention using analog modeling
Theme 8 Sigurdur Mar Valsson Statens vegvesen Norway Detection of highly sensitive clay layers using machine learning with CPTu data
Theme 8 Stavroula Fotopoulou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Greece Towards a probabilistic performance-based methodology for the vulnerability assessment of buildings subjected to seismically induced landslides
Theme 8 Sultan Kocaman Hacettepe University Turkey The role of VGI in landslide inventory preparation
Theme 8 Suneth Neranjan National Building Research Organisation Sri Lanka Adaptation of GPR Technique in Identification of Slip Surfaces of Landslides
Theme 8 Susumu Nakamura College of Engineering, Nihon University Japan Risk assessment of structural damage for rock collision
Theme 8 Takeshi Kuwano Kokusai Kogyo Japan Slope disaster and countermeasures in Honduras
Theme 8 Tao Wang Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences China Comparison of Relationship between Debris-flow Volume and Peak Discharge in Different Regions
Theme 8 Tara Nidhi Bhattarai Tribhuvan University Nepal Reconstructions strategies for landslide-affected settlements
Theme 8 Tatsuya Ishikawa Hokkaido University Japan Lessons from recent geo-disasters in Hokkaido under heavy rainfall
Theme 8 Tempa Thinley Department of Road, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement Bhutan JICA Technical Cooperation Project in Bhutan
Theme 8 Toko Takayama Asia Air Survey Co., Ltd. Japan Landslide interpretation and evaluation based on precise visualization method using high resolution geospatial data
Theme 8 Tomoharu Iwasaki KOKUSAI KOGYO CO., LTD Japan Technical cooperation project: Landslide adviser for Mauritius
Theme 8 Tomoya Hayakawa Nippon Koei Co., Ltd. Japan The Large Landslide Dam in Hidakahoronai, Hokkaido
Theme 8 Vassilis Marinos National Technical University of Athens Greece Engineering geological appreciation in landslide mapping for a natural gas pipeline project: challenges and risk reduction measures
Theme 8 Vedran Jagodnik Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Rijeka Croatia Preliminary results of a small scale landslide triggering
Theme 8 Vickie Kong Geotechnical Engineering Office Hong Kong SAR, China Territory-wide rainfall landslides prediction using Machine Learning Algorithm
Theme 8 Vladimir Greif Dept. of Engineering Geology, Faculty of NAtural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava Slovakia Rockfall mitigation at selected sites in Slovakia
Theme 8 Wataru Sagara SABO & LANDSLIDE TECHNICAL CENTER JAPAN Relationship between water quality and ground condition of earthquake-induced landslide areas in a mountain watershed
Theme 8 Wataru TAKESHITA Public Works Research Institute(PWRI) JAPAN Use of UAV-SfM point cloud for emergency response to landslide disasters
Theme 8 Weile Li Chengdu University of Technology China Precursor of large rockslides and its application on landslide early detection
Theme 8 Xi Xiong Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan Investigation on unsaturated slope stability influenced by rainfall and fluctuation of reservoir water level with varied rainfall infiltration rates
Theme 8 YAMASHITA YUICHI Technico Ltd. Japan Daily education for disaster risk reduction and victim support in disaster
Theme 8 Yan Yan Southwest Jiaotong University China Reconstruction of Landslide Process by Broadband Seismic Network in China
Theme 8 Yao Jiang Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences China The acoustic emission characteristics and shear behaviour during granular shearing
Theme 8 Yasunori Katsume OYO CORPORATION Japan 3-dimensional shape of mountainous landslide and the ground deformation caused by snow melting.
Theme 8 Yifei Cui Tsinghua University China Investigation of internal erosion of wide grading loose soil 窶・a micromechanics-based study
Theme 8 Yoji Kasahara Japan Conservation Engineers & Co., LTD. Japan Road slope disaster countermeasures in Sri Lanka
Theme 8 YongSu Kim NPO Sediment Disaster Prevention Publicity Center Japan A STUDY FOR IMPROVING DISASTER PREVENTION OF COMMUNITY
Theme 8 Yoshinori ITO Kowa Co.,Ltd. Japan Prediction of the groundwater level fluctuation in landslide area using genetic algorithm
Theme 8 Yu Zhuang Shanghai Jiao Tong University China Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) based subsurface investigation of two long runout landslides in Guizhou, China
Theme 8 Yusuke Koyama Japan Broadcasting Corporation Japan Disaster risk coverage of TV media for citizens
Theme 8 Zeljko Arbanas University of Rijeka Croatia Small Scale Landslide Modelling, A Review
Theme 8 Zhenhong Li Newcastle University / Chang’an University UK Rapid landslide detection over wide regions with GACOS and OTL based InSAR analysis
Theme 8 Zhong Lu Southern Methodist University USA Study of hydrology-driven landslide hazards in Northwestern USA using InSAR and other satellite and in-situ observations
Theme 8 Zhongqiang Liu Norwegian Geotechnical Institute Norway Landslide displacement prediction using deep learning methods